Any item promoting ÃÛÑ¿app, such as personalized apparel, promotional bags, drinkware, pens, water bottles, etc., is considered a custom ÃÛÑ¿app-branded product. Please select items that are sustainable and that people will use and keep.
- For specific logo and color requirements, please see our ÃÛÑ¿app Brand, Logos and Colors.
- Approved colors for any product, including clothing, are: Black, Gray (variations, including charcoal), white, clear, PMS 583, or Lime/Neon Green.
Ordering Procedure
- Determine product you intend to order.
- Fill out and submit the form below to receive initial approval to proceed.
- Receive vendor-ready file from Marketing.
- Proceed with placing the initial order and receive the vendor proof.
- Send vendor proof to for final approval.
- Once approved by Marketing, proceed with final order.
Custom ÃÛÑ¿app-Branded Products Request Form
Please submit one form per product/item.
Fill out my .