ѿapp Brand Basics
Marketing and Communications encourage all ѿapp faculty, staff and students to become Brand Champions whenever they use the ѿapp logo. In order to maintain the College’s visual identity, our office oversees branding and all advertising campaigns.
ѿapp Logo
The official ѿapp logo contains the “Mountain” and the letters “ѿapp” underneath or beside the “Mountain.” Optional are the words “Truckee Meadows Community College” either stacked below the “ѿapp” or displayed in one line underneath the “Mountain” and “ѿapp” depending on logo orientation. The primary logo for ѿapp is the square version with the “Mountain” and “ѿapp” only.
The official logo variations are (excluding white/reversed variations):
In addition to the official logo variations, multiple limited-use versions may also be used (e.g. anniversary celebration or branding campaign variations). These logos or wordmarks are generally available for employee/staff use, please contact usfor more information.