To help ensure accuracy and adherence to ѿapp's guidelines, please incorporate Marketing and Communications in your design process at an early date! Contact us at the beginning of your project so that we may provide you with guidance and assistance for a successful publication, promotion or event.
ٲٱԳٲ must appear on all publications and advertisements. Note: Webpages already have this in the footer.
Design and Content
Content in publications and online must follow ѿapp's Style Guide standards. For additional information, please see Writing for ѿapp's Website.
Promotional Materials
Marketing and Communications must approve all promotional materials for external distribution prior to publication, as outlined in the ѿapp Policy Manual (section 4600).
Flyer and Poster Formatting
All promotional pieces must include, at a minimum, ѿapp's official logo, and a ѿapp-issued email address or telephone number for interested parties to contact. Personal contact information for employees and students is strongly discouraged. If the issuing department or office has a web page, please include the website address (URL).
Student Release Form
A student release form must be signed by the student prior to publication of the student's name or likeness in any promotional materials. The forms are available online.
Writing Styles and Standards
Spelling in College publications must conform to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Copies of the dictionary are available in the Marketing and Communications Office and College libraries. Note: when there is a conflict, the AP Stylebook is used as the primary source.
AP Style
The College uses the most current version of the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook as its main style guide and standard across all platforms for printed and online content.
ѿapp Style
ѿapp periodically updates its in-house style guide as needed, with certain variations from AP Style. To ensure accuracy, please include the Marketing and Communications Office in the design process at the beginning of your project.
Athletics Style
ѿapp Athletics follows ѿapp’s College Style Guide, with exception to the cases listed on this page. For a complete list, view all ѿapp Athletics Common Style Occurrences.