- Acts as a recommending body for the development of ÃÛÑ¿app's website, its structure, design, policies and procedures
- Promotes collaboration and gains support for this important resource by coordinating web-related activities to create an engaging, useful and user-friendly website
About the Committee
In February 2000, the ÃÛÑ¿app Web Advisory Committee was convened. The committee was comprised of a cross section of ÃÛÑ¿app faculty and staff who were responsible for or interested in web development at ÃÛÑ¿app.
The purpose of the Web Advisory Committee is to identify, prioritize and advocate for web needs and services. The committee considers and recommends web-related policies and procedures for final approval by the President's Cabinet. In addition, it takes a proactive role in promoting the integration of the Web into the academic and administrative life of the College. The committee's efforts will also ensure that the College's mission and goals are served in short- and long-term web planning.
Primary objectives
- Ensure the integration of the College's mission and marketing in the external web presence.
- Act as an authoritative body for web policy compliance.
- Identify, review and draft recommended policy areas related to the use of the web at ÃÛÑ¿app.
- Promote the integration of the web into the College's normal business practices and operating procedures.
- Provide useful and easily accessible information to the College's audiences.
- Improve navigation and consistency throughout the site.
- Create a framework that effectively provides access to College information.
- Construct a site that will be easy to change and update regularly.
- Recommend new projects and online applications and/or sites to improve the ÃÛÑ¿app web presence.
Reporting Structure
Institutional Research, Marketing and Communications, and Web Services Division
Cross section of College faculty and staff.
Current Members
- Cal Anderson, Web Services
- Yuliana Chavez, Recruitment and Access Center
- Dallin Crane, Web Services
- Doug Dawson Jr., Application Support Services
- Maggie Eirenschmalz, Learning Commons
- Brandon Goehring, Recruitment and Access Center
- Kate Kirkpatrick, Marketing and Communications
- Susan Lundahl, Information Technology
- LaTara Misher, Financial Aid, Scholarships and Student Employment
- Alex Oliva, WebCollege Department
- Melissa Olsen, President's Office
- Craig Rodrigue, Culinary Arts
- Mike Schulz, Public Safety Department
- Rick Sorensen, EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community)
- Jared Sorenson, Performing Arts
- Adine Stormoen, Veterans Upward Bound
- Jenny Taufa, Admissions and Records
- Stephanie Walden, Institutional Research
- Conrad Wong, Web Services
- One member from Student Government Association
Active committee participation is important to ensure continuity and inclusion. Members should plan to attend at least 75% of the annual meetings to maintain voting privileges. If you are unable to attend, please plan to send a colleague to the meeting in your place.
When Members Are Selected
As needed.
Length of Membership
Meeting Times/Length of Meetings
The committee currently meets four times a year, on the first Wednesday every three months (February, May, August, November) from 11 a.m. to Noon.
Process for Submitting Recommendations
Submit all requests in writing via the Web Project Request form. If you have any questions about filling out this form, please contact the ÃÛÑ¿app Webmaster. Once you submit your request, you will be contacted within 1-2 business days, and may be asked to present at the next Web Advisory Committee meeting. The committee does not vote at the first presentation meeting, but listens to the presentation and discusses the merit of the request then votes the next month.
Recommendation to Presenters
The College uses a data-driven decision process to ensure that the website meets the needs of our students, faculty and staff, including monthly tracking of web usage and trends. We encourage everyone who presents their request to the committee to bring any data that they may have to support their request.