Ancient and Medieval Cultures
Critical survey of Near East, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages; origins of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, philosophy and science; concepts like heroism, justice, and romantic love.
Critical survey of Near East, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages; origins of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, philosophy and science; concepts like heroism, justice, and romantic love.
Critical survey of Near East, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages; origins of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, philosophy and science; concepts like heroism, justice, and romantic love.
Improve your letter and report writing skills as you explore proper word choice, tone, structure and more. Cover best practices used in today's businesses for inductive and deductive business letters, memorandums and reports.
Improve your business English and learn leading-edge practices currently being used in the business community as you review principles of grammar, punctuation, word usage, paragraph development, and business correspondence formatting. Your ability to use English well in your business endeavors is crucial to your success.
Gain a broad introduction to the principles, practices and functions of business as they are practiced in both the national and global economies. Develop a basic business plan after you learn about topics in management, marketing, finance, investments and other areas including small business, international business and business ethics and obtain a solid foundation in basic business principles.
A lecture and laboratory course emphasizing the morphology and physiology of archaea, bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa, helminthes, and viruses; principles of infectious disease and host immune response; and skills in aseptic procedured, isolation and identification. Satisfies the general education requirements for the AS Nursing degree and is recommended for all allied health students.
A continuation of BIOL 223 with an increased emphasis on homeostatic regulation. Body systems covered include: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, urinary, endocrine, lymphatic and immune. Required for most allied health programs. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. May not be taken prior to or concurrently with BIOL 223. This course transfers for four credits to UNR, UNLV, and NSC.
An introductory laboratory course focusing on scientific inquiry and investigation of cell and molecular biology principles, use of laboratory equipment, and metric system measurements and conversions. Both BIOL 190A & BIOL 190L are prerequisites for the following biology courses: BIOL 251. BIOL 190L can be taken as a prerequisite or co-requisite for BIOL 223. It is highly recommended that BIOL 190A be taken with or before BIOL 190L.
An introductory cell and molecular biology course covering basics of inorganic chemistry, water, pH, biological macromolecules, cell structure, membrane physiology, cell signaling, metabolism, cell division, heredity, gene expression, and gene regulation. Both BIOL 190A & BIOL 190L are prerequisites for BIOL 251. BIOL 190L can be taken as a pre or co-requisite for BIOL 223. BIOL 190A is a prerequisite for BIOL 223.
A survey of marine environments and their biotic communities with an emphasis on the natural history of marine organisms. This course is designed for non-science majors or anyone with a general interest in marine biology. Includes hands-on activities to be completed at home and virtual laboratory experiences online, including several virtual dissections. Satisfies the general education requirement in natural sciences and is transferable to UNLV as a general education course in the natural sciences.