Instructions for Requesting Faculty Senate Travel Funding
- Note the Faculty Senate travel funding request deadlines.
- Read the Faculty Senate Statement of Purpose and Funding Guidelines.
- Seek departmental funding first. Note that Faculty Senate does not reimburse departmental funds expended for your travel; Faculty Senate only reimburses faculty members for out-of-pocket expenses they have incurred for their travel.
- Complete and Submit the Faculty Senate Travel Expense Estimate of Costs Form along with any backup documentation by the published deadline.
All qualified travel applicants will be placed on the agenda for the next Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee meeting for approval.
Upon Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee approval, the travel applicant will be placed on the Faculty Senate consent agenda for approval. Upon Senate consent agenda approval, the Faculty Senate office will send notification of senate travel fund approval to the Budget and Planning Office, the approved traveler, and the approved traveler's departmental administrative assistant. The Faculty Senate Office will work with the department administrative assistant to apply the approved funding to the traveler's Spend Authorization and Expense Report.Â
Disbursement of Travel Funds
Disbursements will be paid in proportion to the number (and dollar amount requested) of approved requests.
For example: if $2,000 is earmarked to the Faculty Senate for a given semester, and 10 requests are received (all for more than $750), then $200 would be allotted to each approved request. Note, however, that in some semesters there may not be an equal dollar amount allotted to each travel request.
Every attempt to meet legitimate requests will be made, up to $750, with a maximum reimbursement of $750 per applicant per year.
Upon return, the approved travel or department administrative assistant is required to submit an expense report via Workday. The costs are to be itemized to include funds from Faculty Senate and a note in the memo section of the expense report is needed. Please state the amount of funding that was approved by Faculty Senate in the memo section.​