1.1 – The Faculty Senate of Truckee Meadows Community College, a unit of the Nevada System of Higher Education, hereinafter referred to as the Senate.
Article II: Philosophy
2.1 – The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to represent the faculty and to assure faculty participation in the formulation and evaluation of institutional policies and goals.
Article III: Eligibility
3.1 – All College Professional staff (as defined by the Board of Regents) and Part-Time Faculty will have representation in the Faculty Senate.
3.2 – For the purposes of these Bylaws, ex officio members shall not have voting rights.
3.3 – One representative chosen from Classified Council, and one representative chosen from Associated Students of Truckee Meadows are eligible to hold ex officio status on the Faculty Senate.
3.4 – Any ÃÛÑ¿app position whose direct supervisor is the ÃÛÑ¿app President, per the current organizational chart of the college, shall be considered ex officio in all matters relating to the Faculty Senate and its subcommittees. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee leadership shall be exempt from this paragraph.
Article IV: Senators
4.1 – Apportionment:
Two Senators shall be elected from each major instructional unit as defined in the current organization structure. Smaller instructional units may elect only one Senator.
Faculty members, not members of an instructional unit, shall constitute an "At-Large" department for the purposes of representation and shall elect four Senators. In the absence of election, the Chair will appoint the Senators.
Part-time faculty shall represent the equivalent of a college department (for the purposes of representation), and shall elect two senators who must come from different academic departments. These Senators must be employed by ÃÛÑ¿app while serving as Senators. In the absence of an election, the Chair will appoint the Senators.
Any instructional unit represented by two Senators must be represented by at least one tenured faculty member.
4.2 – Election of Senators:
Elections within each unit will occur prior to the first announced Senate meeting in May. The Senators shall take office on June 1 of each year.
Election shall be determined by majority vote of those voting within each unit.
All part-time faculty currently teaching at ÃÛÑ¿app at the time of the election shall be entitled to vote for two Part-Time Faculty Senators. Election of two Part-Time Faculty Senators shall be determined by a majority of votes actually cast. Eligible part-time faculty may self-nominate or be nominated by other faculty or their department. Election shall take place prior to first Faculty Senate meeting in May.
Part-time faculty shall constitute a department for the purposes of representation, and shall elect two senators which must come from different academic departments. In the absence of election, the Chair will appoint the Senators.
4.3 – Term of Office:
Each Senator shall serve a two-year term commencing on June 1 of the year in which elected, except for the two Part-Time Faculty Senators, who shall serve a one-year term commencing on June 1 of the year in which elected.
Terms of office for two year terms shall be staggered so that each year only half of the Senate positions shall be open for election.
Senators can only serve two consecutive terms or a total of four consecutive years, whichever is greater.
4.4 – Recall of Senators:
If a petition with the signatures of at least 30% of the eligible members of a Faculty Unit is submitted to the Senate Chair requesting the recall of a Senator representing the unit, a ballot shall be held within 30 days of receiving the petition. A majority vote, of those voting, of the Faculty Unit shall be required to remove a Senator from office.
Two unexcused absences without a proxy will result in the Chair initiating removal proceedings before the Faculty Senate. A two-thirds majority vote of those Senators present is required to remove the Senator.
4.5 – Vacancies:
In the event a Senate position is vacated prior to the expiration of the term, the appropriate unit shall hold an election within 30 days to fill the unexpired term.
If a Senatorial position is vacant because no faculty member comes forward to fill this position, the Chair will appoint the Senator.
4.6 – Duties of Senators:
To ensure greater accountability on the part of the individual Senator, it shall be the responsibility of each Senator to regularly attend Senate meetings or to arrange a proxy.
Any Senator who is unable to attend the regularly scheduled or special meeting must designate a proxy for that meeting.
A proxy must be a faculty member from the absent Senator's area.
A proxy can serve as the proxy for only one Senator per meeting.
A proxy must be designated and be communicated in writing, by hard copy or electronically to the Senate Chair at least one day prior to the meeting.
Failure to notify the Chair will result in a null vote for the proxy.
Senators shall be expected to keep their constituents informed of Senate proceedings.
In questions of voting, it is the responsibility of each Senator to act in the best interests of their constituents.
Supervise the taking of minutes for Faculty Senate meetings.
Proofread the draft of the minutes of the Faculty Senate meetings and supervise the distribution of minutes.
Supervise the preparation and distribution of the agenda: gather information and accompanying documents from the Committee Chairs, determine information and action items.
Supervise the classified position designated for Faculty Senate.
Make appointments to represent Faculty Senate as needed.
Administer a tracking system to ensure accountability of motions passed by the Senate.
Form Annual Performance Rating Appeals Committees as necessary following the guidelines laid out in the NFA Contract and section 9.7 of these Bylaws.Â
5.2 – The Faculty Senate Chair-Elect duties consist of the following:
Assume the duties of the Chair in case of absence or incapacity of the Chair and become Chair on the death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Chair.
Serve as the official liaison between the Deans and the Faculty Senate. Serve on the Senate Executive Board and College Advisory Committees, officially represent Faculty Senate at Classified Council meetings, and attend Board of Regents meetings that are held in Reno.
Supervise Ad Hoc Committees. The Chair-Elect will either serve as chair or delegate a chair, and solicit and confirm membership for those committees.
Identify and report conflicts between the ÃÛÑ¿app Faculty Senate Bylaws and superseding NSHE and NFA documents such as, but not limited to, the NSHE Code, the NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual, the ÃÛÑ¿app Institutional Bylaws, and the NFA Contract. Update bylaws.
Monitor the Senate's adherence to the parliamentary rules set forth in Article VII and serve as Senate Parliamentarian.
Maintain a list of current Faculty Senators and Chairs of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.
Nominate the next Chair-elect and the Standing Committee Chairs at the time of Chair transitions.
5.3 – The Past Faculty Senate Chair duties consist of the following:
Serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Faculty Senate.
Attends Faculty Senate meetings and Executive Board Meetings.
Assists the chair during discussions by providing background or historical information relevant to the issues, as they pertain to the Executive Board and actions.
5.4 – Election of Officers:
Election of Faculty Senate Chair-Elect:
Nominations for the Chair-Elect of the Senate shall be opened at the March Faculty Senate meeting every year. Nominations will be closed one week before and announced at the April meeting. Elections will be completed one week before and announced at the May meeting. The Officers shall take office on July 1 of each year.
If the Chair-Elect office becomes vacant during the named term, nominations for replacement will be opened at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Nominations will be closed one week before and announced at the next meeting. Elections will be completed one week before and announced at the following meeting.
The elections shall be supervised by the Ad Hoc Elections Committee in accordance with the following principles:
Nomination and elections shall be on forms and ballots designated by the Ad Hoc Elections Committee.
Elections shall either be by secret ballot through a two envelope system or conducted online. If by secret ballot, the voter shall place the ballot in a blank envelope. The blank envelope shall be placed in an envelope with the voter’s name affixed to it, which shall be used to verify who has voted. The Ad Hoc Elections Committee shall separate the two envelopes in a manner which assures the secrecy of this vote. If conducted online, the voter shall verify identity at logon and vote. The Ad Hoc Elections Committee will use a system designed by the Web Services Office to ensure voter secrecy.
All candidates for Senate Office shall be members of the represented unit as defined in Article III and will be tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure track (zero rank) academic faculty or full-time administrative faculty.Â
Candidates for Senate Office shall be nominated by individuals eligible for membership in the Senate.
Each nominator can nominate only one person for each Senate office.
Eligibility of all candidates and certification of all nominations and elections shall be determined by the Ad Hoc Elections Committee, subject to appeal to the Senate.
The candidate with the majority number of votes received shall be elected. Should no candidate receive a majority of votes, a runoff election of the top two candidates shall be held immediately.
Certification of election results by the Ad Hoc Elections Committee shall be presented to the Senate.
The Faculty Senate Chair-Elect will become the Faculty Senate Chair when the current Chair leaves office.
5.5 – Recall of Officers: If a petition with the signatures of at least 30% of the eligible members, as stated in Article III, is submitted to the Senate Executive Board requesting the recall of an officer, a ballot shall be held within 30 days of receipt of the petition. A two-thirds vote of those Faculty Senators present shall be required to remove the Chair, or the Chair-Elect.
5.6 – Terms of Service: Officers will serve a term of one year commencing on July 1 and ending on June 30.
Article VI: Senate Executive Board
6.1 – The Executive Board of the Senate shall consist of the following members of the Senate: the Faculty Senate Chair; the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect; the Past Senate Chair; the Academic Standards and Assessment Chair; the Administrative Faculty Chair; the Curriculum Review Chair; the Salary, Benefits, and Budget Chair; and the Professional Standards Chair.
The Senate Executive Board shall meet at least once prior to each Faculty Senate meeting.
The Senate Executive Board shall advise the Senate Chair.
The Senate Executive Board shall meet regularly with the President's Leadership Team as the Joint Executive Board.Â
The Senate Executive Board shall establish Ad Hoc Committees as needed or as directed by the Senate Chair, the Senate Chair-Elect, or the Senate Body.
The Senate Executive Board shall determine issues to be placed on the Senate Agenda.
The Senate Executive Board is responsible for selecting the Faculty Senate administrative assistant.
Failure to attend more than two consecutive meetings or to send a proxy may result in the Board Member being removed from their position as Chair of a Standing Committee and being replaced on the Senate Executive Board by the new chair of the committee.
The Senate Executive Board members, including the Faculty Senate Chair; the Faculty Senate Chair-Elect; the Academic Standards and Assessment Chair; the Administrative Faculty Chair; the Curriculum Review Chair; the Salary, Benefits, and Budget Committee Chair; and the Professional Standards Chair, will receive compensation for their faculty Senate Executive member duties. The amount of compensation will be determined by the NFA contract and applied equitably to all recipients. The means of funding will be negotiated with each recipient's dean, director, or supervisor. Compensation may include a reduced load, a stipend, or overload pay (at the current part-time rate).Â
Article VII: Senate Meetings
7.1 – Regular meetings shall be held a minimum of eight times during the academic calendar year.
7.2 – An annual schedule listing the date, time, and place of regular meetings shall be posted in August of each year.
7.3 – A formal agenda shall be posted to the total membership a minimum of three days in advance of meeting.
The formal agenda will include a consent agenda.
The consent agenda shall be considered at the beginning of each Faculty Senate meeting, after approval of the prior meeting's minutes.
Any Senator may place an item on the consent agenda by notifying the Faculty Senate administrative assistant five business days or more in advance of a meeting.
A Senator may remove items from the consent agenda at such time between when the meeting agenda is posted to when the Senate Chair calls upon the Senate during a meeting to identify items for removal.
Items removed from the consent agenda will become part of the regular meeting agenda.
The consent agenda in its entirety is voted on by the Senate as a single item and requires only a simple majority in order to pass.
The Executive Committee may designate items that shall commonly be part of the consent agenda, such as committee reports that do not include action items. Such a designation shall in no way prevent an item from being removed from the consent agenda and moved to the regular agenda.
An item need not be removed from the consent agenda merely because questions of clarification arise.
7.4 – Special meetings of the Senate may be called by the Chair with the approval of the Senate Executive Board.
7.5 – All Senate recommendations shall be made directly to the President of Truckee Meadows Community College or to the appropriate administrator.
7.6 – In the spirit of shared governance, meetings of the Faculty Senate are open to all faculty, staff, students and administrators, unless the meeting has been “closedâ€. A voting member of the Senate may move to close a portion of a Senate meeting. The motion requires a second and then the Senate will vote on the motion. During the “closed†portion of the meeting, only voting members of the Faculty Senate, Student Representatives, Standing Committee Chairs, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and those invited by the Senate Chair will be permitted to attend (unless otherwise stipulated by the approved Senate motion).â€
7.7 – The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Senate in all areas where they are not in conflict with these Faculty Senate Bylaws.
Article VIII: Voting
8.1 – A simple majority of the Senators shall constitute a quorum. Any action taken by the Faculty Senate without a quorum shall be deemed invalid.
8.2 – Any voting member of the Senate or authorized proxy may introduce motions, second motions, or call for a vote.
8.3 – Each duly elected Senator or authorized proxy may cast one vote per question. In the case where a proxy is also a Senator, that person may vote as Senator and Proxy for each question. A proxy can only serve as proxy for one Senator per meeting.
8.4 – Any voting member of the Senate or authorized proxy has the right to abstain from voting on a question.
8.5 – Votes are counted as simple majority votes unless these bylaws define a vote more specifically. When counting simple majority votes, abstentions are not included in the total.
8.6 – The Faculty Senate Chair-Elect may make motions, second motions, call for votes and vote on all questions.
8.7 – The Faculty Senate Chair will vote to break an otherwise tie vote.
Article IX: Committees
9.1 – The Standing Committees of the Senate:
Academic Standards and Assessment Committee (9.3)
Administrative Faculty Committee (9.4)
Curriculum Review Committee (9.5)
Learning Commons Committee (9.6)
Faculty Evaluations Committee (9.7)
Part-time Faculty Committee (9.8)
Professional Standards Committee (9.9)
Recognition and Activities Committee (9.10)
Salary, Benefits, and Budget Committee (9.11)
WebCollege Faculty Advisory Committee (9.12)
9.2 – Committee Governance
Meetings, Motions, and Voting
Faculty Standing Committees shall be open to all interested persons and meet at least three times per semester.
Recommendations of any Faculty Senate Standing Committee shall be presented to the Senate for approval. A simple majority vote approves the recommendation.
All Standing Committee members except ex officio members shall have voting privileges in Committee actions.
Each individual Standing Committee shall use the current Robert's Rules of Order as a governing guide.
In addition to their specific charges, Standing Committees will also review and make other recommendations on topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate body.
Committee Membership
All Standing Committee members shall be confirmed by the Faculty Senate Chair, and subject to confirmation by the Faculty Senate Body.
All Standing Committee members are subject to removal from the Committee. The Chairs of Faculty Senate committees will immediately remove from membership any committee member who is not present for two consecutive committee meetings and recalculate quorum. The Committee Chair will forward these name(s) to the Faculty Senate Chair.
The Faculty Senate Chair will announce as an informational matter the removal of members at the next Faculty Senate meeting.
Committee Members who are removed can be reconfirmed by the Faculty Senate Chair and subject to confirmation by the Faculty Senate Body.
Standing Committee Chairs
The Chair of each Standing Committee shall be elected by a majority of the members of that Committee for a two-year term from among the Committee members, confirmed by the Faculty Senate Chair, and subject to Senate confirmation. Nominations/Elections shall start during the first meeting of the Spring Semester of the current Chair's second year, and conclude by the end of the second meeting of the spring semester. If the Committee does not elect a Chair, then the Senate Chair will appoint a Chair.
Standing Committee Chair Duties.
Schedule all meetings dates and rooms at the beginning of the school year.
Ensure that meeting agendas are created at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, and that meeting minutes are taken for all meetings and published appropriately for the public.
Conduct the scheduled meetings.
Report on Committee activities at the regularly scheduled Faculty Senate meetings.
Record attendance of all Standing Committee members and report this to the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant.
Submit to the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant recommendations to be presented to the Senate one week prior to the regularly scheduled Senate meeting for distribution to Senators and Officers.
Provide the incoming chair with a written chair-transition document describing committee procedures and meet with the incoming chair to ensure continuation.
Standing Committee Chair Terms: Chairs serve a two-year term, and may serve up to two consecutive terms. Once two consecutive terms have been served a new chair shall be elected from among the membership of the committee.
Appointment of Interim Chairs: If a Standing Committee Chair resigns, is recalled, is removed, or leaves the position for any reason, the Faculty Senate Chair shall appoint an Interim Standing Committee Chair. Interim Chairs will serve until a new chair is voted in by the committee members at a special election.
Recall of Standing Committee Chairs: If a petition with the signatures of at least 30% of the committee members is submitted to the Senate Executive Board requesting the recall of a Chair, a vote will be held within 30 days of receipt of the petition. A majority vote of the committee membership will be required to remove a Chair from office. If the Executive Board deems that a Standing Committee Chair is negligent in their duties, they will vote for the chair’s removal in an Executive Board meeting. A majority vote of the Executive Board will result in a vote of the committee within 30 days. A majority vote of the committee will be required to remove the Chair from office. If the committee and the Executive Board are not in agreement, the vote will be taken to the complete Senate within 30 days of the committee’s vote. In this circumstance, a majority vote of the Senate will be required to remove the Chair from office.
9.3 – Academic Standards and Assessment Committee
Chair Duties:
Perform the regular Chair Duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Attend Senate Executive Board meetings.
Attend designated College Advisory Committees.
Meet regularly with the offices of Academic Affairs, Student Services, and the Associate Dean of Assessment and Planning.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus. Ex officio members should include representatives from the Academic Affairs Office, Student Services, Institutional Research, the Associate Dean of Assessment and Planning, and representatives from administration, student government and classified staff.
Review and/or recommend policies on academic standards such as, grading, course or semester forgiveness, academic dishonesty, student retention, persistence, and completion.
Review and/or recommend the academic and summer school calendars
Support and represent faculty with assessing existing courses, disciplines, and programs.
Provide policy guidance on course, discipline, and program-level student learning outcomes and assessment issues.
Establish and/or review the evaluation process for the Program Unit Review in conjunction with the Associate Dean of Assessment.
Evaluate Program Unit Reviews in conjunction with the Associate Dean of Assessment.
Evaluate course, discipline, and program-level assessment processes, and make recommendations as needed.
Conduct regular reviews of General Education Learning Outcomes at the institutional level.
Establish General Education Learning Outcomes and rubrics and review those on a regular basis for possible revisions.
Communicate with the Associate Dean of Assessment and Planning in order to coordinate assessment issues.
Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.
9.4 – Administrative Faculty Committee
Chair Duties: Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Attend Senate Executive Board and Joint Executive Board meetings.Â
Committee Composition: Representation should come from both administrative faculty as well as academic faculty with a broad spectrum of the divisions as well as different ÃÛÑ¿app sites. Representatives from student government and classified staff can serve as ex officio members.
In collaboration with the At-Large Faculty Senators, represent administrative faculty on issues including, but not limited to, institutional policies and goals, hiring practices, training, compensation, benefits, support services, representation, retention, and evaluations.
Facilitate communication and integration of matters pertaining to administrative faculty with the campus community.
Review and recommend policies and proposals affecting Administrative Faculty before they go to the full Senate.
Explore and create events, such as discussion panels and administrative faculty professional development.
Review and make recommendation on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.
Diversity Statement: This committee strives to embrace the belief that inclusivity, diversity, and respect of all people are foundational to the committee's core objectives.Â
9.5 – Curriculum Review Committee
Chair Duties:
Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Attend Senate Executive Board meetings.
Attend designated College Advisory Committees.
Meet regularly with the Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus. Ex officio members from the Academic Affairs Office, Student Services, Admissions and Records, Financial Services, and others shall serve the committee as needed.
Support and advise faculty on all course, program, degree, and certificate submissions, including approval for diversity and general education.
Establish criteria and review requirements for all courses, certificates, degrees, and programs, including approval for diversity and general education.
Recommend changes to existing certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for approval.
Recommend new certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for approval.
Recommend certificates, degrees, programs, and courses for deletion.
Review existing certificates, degrees, programs, and courses when directed.
Communicate with the articulation officer(s) of the College and the offices of the Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs and Student Services in order to coordinate curricula.
Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.
9.6 – Learning Commons Committee
Chair Duties: Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus. Ex officio members should include the director of the Learning Commons and representatives from administration, student government, and classified staff.
Inform the college of, and promote the many services and resources that the Learning Commons provides to faculty, staff, and students.
Recommend policies, policy changes, services, and resources such as acquisitions and subscriptions, and the implementation of programs and events.
Research, recommend, and organize guest lectures, performances, and other events under the auspices of the library, often making use of Learning Commons spaces.
Review and make recommendations on other topics assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body
9.7 – Faculty Evaluations Committee
Members shall be elected from both the administrative and tenured academic faculty ranks. One (1) tenured academic faculty member shall be elected from each academic division. One (1) tenured academic faculty member shall be elected from counselor, librarian, or other at large ranks. Five (5) administrative faculty covered by the contract shall be elected from a cross-section of different departments aiming for diverse representation. Two (2) non-voting members shall serve on the standing Faculty Evaluations Committee as advisory resources on APRACs: One appointed from NFA, and one appointed from HR.
The term of service on the standing committee shall be two years. If a member steps down before the end of their term, a new member shall be elected in accordance with section 9.7.A.1. Members can only serve two consecutive terms.
Nominations for committee members will open following the first Senate meeting of the academic year. Elections within each unit will be completed prior to the second Senate meeting of the academic year. Election shall be determined by a majority vote of those voting within each unit.
All standing members of the Faculty Evaluations subcommittee shall complete an annual training in the evaluation process and the NFA contract. The two non-voting members shall coordinate the training.
Within five (5) working days of receiving the notification from HR, the Faculty Senate Chair shall form an Annual Performance Rating Appeals Committee (APRAC). Members of the committee shall be selected randomly from the membership of the Faculty Evaluations Committee to evaluate the grievance.
The work of the APRAC shall be carried out in accordance with the NFA Contract.
9.8 – Part-Time Faculty Committee
Chair Duties: Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus, particularly from the part-time faculty ranks. Representatives from administration, student government and classified staff can serve as ex officio members.
Recommend policies on part-time faculty issues including, but not limited to, compensation, benefits, support services, retention, hiring practices, and training.
Facilitate communication and integration with the existing full-time academic faculty.
Work with the Senate Salary, Benefits, and Budget Committee in any issues regarding compensation that affect the part-time faculty.
Assist the Academic Support Center, individual departments, and other institutional entities in communicating with, and providing support for the part-time faculty.
Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.
9.9 – Professional Standards Committee
Chair Duties:
Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Attend Senate Executive Board meetings.
Attend designated College Advisory Committees.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus. Ex officio members should include the representatives from Academic Affairs or their designees and representatives from administration, student government and classified staff.
Recommend the criteria included in instruction and course evaluations, the processes by which they are administered, and the uses of those evaluations for all full-time and part-time faculty.
Address policy regarding code, bylaw, or contract violations that affect faculty and administration.
Recommend minimum criteria for use in the evaluation of new tenure-track faculty.
Recommend and revise criteria for evaluation of administration.
Recommend and review activities for Professional Development of faculty both part-time and full-time.
Oversee the creation of a pool of faculty to be used as members for a Special Hearing Committee (BOR Handbook, Title 2, Ch 6.11.3). No member of the pool shall be a member of the Faculty Evaluation Committee.Â
The pool of faculty shall consist of not less than 15 faculty members, and should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines and departments on campus.
The pool should contain both academic and administrative faculty.
Faculty in the pool will be obligated for one year to serve on a Special Hearing Committee should the need arise, and may stay in the pool for consecutive years.
The membership of the pool will be voted on at the first meeting of the Professional Standards Committee in the fall, and confirmed by the Faculty Senate.
Committee members will be chosen from the pool by the Faculty Senate Chair as need dictates.
All information related to work of these committees is confidential personnel information and shall not be disclosed to anyone.
Training for the serving members of the respective committees should be provided by administration.
Review and make recommendations of other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, of the Faculty Senate Body.
9.10 – Recognition and Activities Committee
Chair Duties: Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus, including faculty from the part-time ranks. Ex officio members should representatives from administration, student government and classified staff.
Organize activities for faculty and staff for the purpose of promoting morale, and creating circumstances whereby faculty and staff can interact.
Recognize professional achievements of academic and administrative faculty.
For the Distinguished Faculty Service Award and the Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award: solicit submissions, establish criteria for submission and evaluation of candidates for the awards. Submit final recommendations to the Offices of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the College President.
For the Professional of the Month Award: solicit nominations, review candidates and select finalists, arrange the presentation of the award for the winners.
For Career Champions Award: solicit nominations from students for a once-a-semester recognition, review candidates through human resources, arrange presentation of the award to the recipients, and email certificates and details of the nomination(s) to each recipient.Â
Maintain a list of winners of yearly and monthly awards on the website.
Review and make recommendations of other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, of the Faculty Senate Body.
9.11 – Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee
Chair Duties:
Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Attend Senate Executive Board meetings.
Attend College Committee meetings, as appropriate.
Represent ÃÛÑ¿app in designated NSHE Advisory Committees.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus. Ex officio members should include representatives from Administration, classified staff, the ÃÛÑ¿app Human Resources Director and the ÃÛÑ¿app Budget Officer or their designees.
Make recommendations concerning budgetary changes in the event of a financial exigency or other financial issue.
Provide recommendations as appropriate for the preparation of the college biennial budget including both operating, capital, and enhancement budgets.
Research and make recommendations on issues regarding salary and benefits such as workload equity, health care benefits, retirement, funding for cost of living adjustments (COLAs), salary increases, salary schedules, and maintaining national and regional salary competitiveness.
Recommend policy and procedure for granting Faculty Senate travel funds and process such requests.
Review the Faculty Senate travel budget and report its current state to the Senate.
Review and make recommendations for changes to the sabbatical application process.
Oversee the Sabbatical Subcommittee
The Faculty Senate Chair will accept nominations for the Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair up to ten days before the May meeting of the Faculty Senate.
At the May meeting of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate will confirm a Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair. If no one is nominated, the Faculty Senate Chair will appoint a Chair.
The Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee will constitute a diverse Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee with representation from each division. The composition of the Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee is determined by a vote of the Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee at the first meeting in the Fall.
The Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair will: make announcements about sabbatical leave and create deadlines; call for proposals for sabbatical leave; call and preside over the committee meetings; submit recommended changes of the sabbatical application process to the Salary, Benefits and Budget Committee; work with the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant to collect sabbatical applications for evaluation.
The Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee will: evaluate submitted proposals based upon established criteria, and forward their recommendations directly to the President of ÃÛÑ¿app. All members of the Sabbatical Subcommittee (including the Chair) shall keep the deliberations of their meetings confidential.
Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body.
9.12 – WebCollege Faculty Advisory Committee
Chair Duties: Perform the regular Chair duties as defined in section 9.2.C.
Committee Composition: Faculty representation should come from a broad spectrum of disciplines on campus, including part-time faculty. Ex officio members should include program director of the WebCollege, and representatives from Administration, Student Government, and classified staff.
Review and recommend the criteria on guidelines for evaluating web courses.
Review and recommend a basic course navigation structure for web courses based on best practices or existing modules or standards, such as Quality Matters.
Review and recommend best practices for faculty teaching web classes, in the areas of faculty participation, professional development training, ADA accessibility, course assessment, copyright, retention, and other technologies that arise.
Promote increased communication, input, and feedback by stakeholders.
Review and make recommendations on faculty standards for online instruction.
Review and make recommendations of other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate body.
Article X: Amendment Procedures
10.1 – These Bylaws may be amended at any time in accordance with the following:
Introduction of the proposed amendment at a regular meeting of the Senate by distribution of a copy in writing to each eligible member of the Senate.
Voting on the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting of the Senate following the introduction of the proposal.
Approval of the proposed amendment required a two-thirds vote of the full Senate.
All amendments require the approval of the President of the College as stated in the ÃÛÑ¿app Bylaws.