Refer to Article 13 of the .
All standing members of the Faculty Evaluations subcommittee shall complete an annual training in the evaluation process and the NFA contract. The two non-voting members shall coordinate the training.
Within five (5) working days of receiving the notification from HR, the Faculty Senate Chair shall form an Annual Performance Rating Appeals Committee (APRAC). Members on the committee shall be selected randomly from the membership of the Faculty Evaluations Committee to evaluate the grievance.
- The Annual Performance Rating Appeals Committee assigned to the grievance shall be comprised of five (5) members. Three (3) of them shall be voting faculty members(from the academic faculty ranks for a grievance by an academic faculty member, or from the administrative faculty ranks for a grievance by an administrative faculty member) selected from the elected membership of the Faculty Evaluations Committee of Faculty Senate. Prior to the selection of the APRAC, Faculty members serving on the committee shall recuse themselves if they are from the same department or if there is a conflict of interest in serving on the APRAC. Additionally, two (2) of them shall be non-voting members from the Faculty Evaluations Committee, who shall be included at meetings to provide support and clarification from their respective areas as needed. One NFA member and one HR representative serving on the Faculty Evaluations Committee shall serve on the APRAC or appoint a designee to serve if there is a conflict of interest. Supervisors of the committee members who are chosen to serve on an APRAC shall exercise leniency in terms of meeting other obligations and scheduling while they are deliberating.
- The APRAC shall review the grievance and issue a written statement within ten (10) working days of the formation of the committee. Review of the case shall include consideration of the annual performance review, the responses from any informal meetings, the faculty member’s statement included on the Article 13 Grievance Form, and separate interviews of the faculty member and the evaluator. The final written statement by the APRAC committee shall state if the disputed annual performance evaluation should be maintained or modified/replaced and provide a clear rationale for any recommended changes or lack thereof.
Committee Members
Haley Orthel-Clark, Amy Cavanaugh, Betty Cervantes-Castro, Wes Evans, Rob Lively, Erin Frock, Katie Kolbet, Katie Paul, Jennifer Pierce, Juana Reynoza-Gomez, Rori Wilkis
Committee members are elected in the Fall and serve 2-year terms.