General Psychology
Survey of the basic foundations of psychology with emphasis on psychological theories, research methods and principles of behavior.
Does not meet at regular dates and times. The course may have a regular schedule and pre-established deadlines. While not every course has requirements for proctored exams, your instructor may require you to come to campus or make arrangements with a proctoring center to take proctored exams.
Survey of the basic foundations of psychology with emphasis on psychological theories, research methods and principles of behavior.
Survey of the basic foundations of psychology with emphasis on psychological theories, research methods and principles of behavior.
Survey of the basic foundations of psychology with emphasis on psychological theories, research methods and principles of behavior.
The course will focus on a contemporary issue or concern of topical interest within the field of Political Science. The issue may be domestic, comparative and/or international in scope. Examples include: Middle East and African government and politics, international organizations, the Nevada Legislature and the politics of nationalized healthcare. May be repeated one time for three credits (maximum six credits total). Repeated course title must be different.
A topical introduction to international relations stressing the principles of a systematic approach to world politics. Emphasis will be given to major issues/crises confronting contemporary global society.
An introduction to the comparative study of selected developed and developing societies. Emphasis will be given to the study of institutions and their functions, various administrative and decision-making processes and contemporary problems and issues.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.