Introduction to American Politics
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
Does not meet at regular dates and times. The course may have a regular schedule and pre-established deadlines. While not every course has requirements for proctored exams, your instructor may require you to come to campus or make arrangements with a proctoring center to take proctored exams.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
A survey of American national, state and local governments. Includes Nevada's constitution, government, and contemporary issues. Fulfills US and Nevada Constitution requirements.
Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 101, PSC 208 or HIST 102, HIST 111, HIST 217.
Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 101, PSC 208 or HIST 102, HIST 111, HIST 217.
Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 101, PSC 208 or HIST 102, HIST 111, HIST 217.
An introductory course covering the basic concepts of physics for non-science majors. Topics include a broad range of topics from both classical and modern physics. Includes four required lab experiences. Satisfies UNR Science core curriculum requirements.
An introductory course covering the basic concepts of physics for non-science majors. Topics include a broad range of topics from both classical and modern physics. Includes four required lab experiences. Satisfies UNR Science core curriculum requirements.