The guidelines found herein are required for any faculty teaching online courses. These important standards keep ÃÛÑ¿app’s WebCollege courses held to a high level of expectation and ensure that all students receive a high-quality education from ÃÛÑ¿app.
Most of the standards are based on Quality Matters. Quality Matters is a nationally recognized rubric for use in course design. Other standards are based on best practices in online presence and facilitation and learner support.
Learning Management System
The approved College learning management system will be used by the instructor who teaches an online course.
Third-Party Content
- If faculty choose to use third-party content, faculty will factor ADA compliance, section 504 standards when choosing content and or will collaborate with ÃÛÑ¿app's Disability Resource Center (DRC) as necessary to provide reasonable accommodations and or modifications for students with disabilities.
- Faculty will be responsible for student technical support of the third-party content that they select. Any additional technology needed to support students will be the responsibility of the DRC.
- Faculty will document weekly substantive activity for students receiving financial aid as needed.
- In case of a student grade appeal, faculty will be responsible for documenting grades if Canvas is not being used.
- Faculty will at minimum post a syllabus on Canvas so students have the correct information to get started with the third-party content.
- In an effort to preserve server space, video content stored in Kaltura/Canvas is regularly audited. Media content with zero engagement activity for a period of two years will be placed into a pending deletion queue. The media will remain in the pending deletion state for an additional two years. If this media continues to be unused the content will be permanently deleted.
Approved May 2018
Standard 1: Faculty Training
1.1 First-time online instructors will complete the Canvas I, II, III training before teaching online.
1.2 Recurring faculty will attend training relevant to online teaching on a yearly basis. Suggestions: Tips & Tricks to Online Course Design: Consistency in Course Presentation and Student Navigation, Creating Accessible Content, Delivering Effective Online Courses, QM Improving your Online Course, DE Summer Institute or other related online professional development.
1.3 Faculty teaching online courses for more than three semesters will attend the Quality Matters Rubric training or the Quality Matters Improving Your Online Course. QM training only needs to be completed once in order to fulfill this standard.