General Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education
Teaching methods, instructional strategies, classroom management and assessment in career, technical and workforce education . Technical competence of instructors and managers is explored.
Teaching methods, instructional strategies, classroom management and assessment in career, technical and workforce education . Technical competence of instructors and managers is explored.
Instruction addresses the following major topics: Program coordination skills, supervision/leadership models, facilitation and curriculum management and labor relationships.
Observation and teaching under supervision in a secondary school, community or technical college, or business and industry training environment. Relevant education and workplace law is explored.
Major Theories associated with the art and practice of CTE and workforce leadership including conflict resolution, industry relations and career development. Design and implementation of strategies to manage the learning behavior of technical education students in the classroom and workplace.
Instruction in includes school finance, grants and proposals, student and staff development strategies and teacher/trainer evaluation models.
Examines critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Develops and uses student and employer follow-up studies as a part of an evaluation plan that drives program improvement. Instructs the student how to recruit, place and guide students, organize a program advisory committee, plan and manage a program budget, implement a plan for preventive maintenance, and manage customer service. Examines local, state and federal structure of workforce education.
Introduces standards and practices of inclusion of special needs students as provided under federal regulations. Methods of adapting instruction and creating positive support of students with diverse abilities is examined. Assessment methods to determine progress of students and workers with disabilities or special needs is studied.
This course examines strategies for assessing student progress and program effectiveness in career and technical education and leadership. Included are concepts and terms associated with student progress and program effectiveness, current issues associated with assessment and methods for identifying factors associated with curriculum and teaching effectiveness.
Career and Technical education history, philosophy, policies, goals and objectives and student organizations. An introduction to the scope of leadership within career education and workforce training.