ÃÛÑ¿app Dietetic Technician Program students complete this form for each internship rotation in supervised practice.
Instructions: For each questions, select the appropriate number on the scale. If the statement does not relate to your experience in the rotation, select "N/A" (not applicable). Use the Comments sections beneath each category to site examples or explain the rating that you selected. Both positive and negative comments are encouraged.
Please note that "Communication: Preceptor" is to be completed for your primary preceptor.
You must complete this evaluation at the end of each internship rotation. At the end of each school year, these evaluations will be averaged together and comments will be summarized. The practicum site will receive a copy of the summative evaluation. The sites will not see the individual evaluations. In the event that only one student attended a particular internship site during the year, the site will not receive that evaluation until additional students have completed a rotation there.