Check this Research Guide for information about using material in your classroom for which the library does not hold copyright permissions.
Interlibrary Loan Request
The purpose of this form is for ÃÛÑ¿app faculty, staff and students to request books or magazine articles not owned by any of the ÃÛÑ¿app libraries.
Reserve Material for a Course
This form enables an instructor to place material on reserve in the library for use by students in their class. The material may belong to the library or to the instructor and will made available to students according to the information indicated by the instructor on the form.
Reserve Video(s) for a Course
This form enables an instructor to place a hold on a video owned by the library that he or she wishes to show during a particular class period, ensuring that it will be available and not checked out to another person during that time.
Instructors can help students develop information literacy skills by scheduling a library instruction session. Â These sessions may include, but are not limited to:
An overview of the library's physical layout and general research resources.
A demonstration of the library’s Primo Discovery System and its electronic and physical resources, in general or targeted to a specific discipline or research project.
Instruction on the development of search terms, the use of limiters and Boolean searches, and guidance in the assessment of reliable resources.
Please complete the Library Instruction Request form to schedule an instruction session in the Library Computer Classroom (LIB 210) or in your own classroom.Â
Priority for LIB 210 will be given to instructors requesting library instruction sessions. If you do not require library instruction, please contact the Scheduling Office to arrange an alternative space.
Classes scheduled for library instruction sessions must be accompanied by their instructor.
Other Services for Faculty
Creation of customized library assignments.
Development of Library Research Guides for a class, topic or specific assignment. See existing for examples.
Librarians can be "imbedded" in online classes to provide research support to online students.
Don't see the book or materials you are looking for? You can complete the Library Purchase Request to request books or library materials not owned by any of the ÃÛÑ¿app libraries.
To learn more about these services, please contact us.
Librarian Liaisons for Academic Departments
Academic area liaison responsibilities listed below, by division/department. Find our contact information on the Library's Faculty/Staff web page.
Business and Social Sciences
Adult Basic Education: Benjamin Aloe
Anthropology: Maggie Eirenschmalz
Business: Benjamin Aloe
Child Care Center: Benjamin Aloe
Culinary Arts: Maggie Eirenschmalz
Early Childhood Education: Benjamin Aloe
Educational Leadership (EPY): Laurel Harrison (or any librarian)
History: Benjamin Aloe
Paralegal/Law: Maggie Eirenschmalz
Political Science: Benjamin Aloe
Psychology: Laurel Harrison
Sociology: Laurel Harrison
Liberal Arts
English: Maggie Eirenschmalz (or any librarian)
Humanities: Maggie Eirenschmalz
Visual and Performing Arts: Laurel Harrison
Life Sciences, Allied Health and Public Safety
Biology and Public Health: Maggie Eirenschmalz
Certified Nursing Assistant: Laurel Harrison
Criminal Justice: Benjamin Aloe
Dental Assisting: Laurel Harrison
Dental Hygiene: Laurel Harrison
Dietetic Technician: Laurel Harrison
Nursing: Laurel Harrison
Public Safety (including Emergency Management): Laurel Harrison