Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide standard guidelines for Truckee Meadows Community College in naming buildings, sites and common areas. Naming opportunities may be granted in recognition of distinction and in recognition of financial support for programs, faculty and student scholarships.
Criteria for Naming
- Naming in Recognition of Distinction
From time to time, the College may want to honor the extraordinary, distinguished contributions of individuals to humanity, to the United States, to Nevada, to Washoe County or to the College. When a significant area or building is proposed to be named for an individual or entity associated with ѿapp, it is recommended that a period of not less than three years shall lapse between the end of the individual’s service to the College and a naming proposal.
If a building, room, significant area or program is to be named in recognition of outstanding service, the president shall determine whether the person or entity is worthy of the honor, whether the recommendation has the support of the occupants of the building or users of the area, as well as the support of the College community, before making a recommendation to the Board of Regents for approval. - Naming in Recognition of Financial Support
For naming in recognition of financial gifts, the donor will be expected to provide all or a substantial part of the cost of the program or project. “Substantial” is deemed to mean either a significant majority of the cost (51%) or a contribution which, while not being a significant majority, would not have been available from another source or was in some way integral to project completion or program initiation. A guide for naming may be based on cost of area per square foot with appropriate adjustments based on visibility of space to be named and other considerations. Donors may be individuals, families, organizations, foundations or corporations. In establishing objectives for a fundraising campaign, the department securing the funds, in consultation with the president and the ѿapp Foundation, will establish a schedule of naming opportunities and the level of donation required for each. The Foundation will consult with departments to advise whether the gift levels are appropriate and consistent with others on campus.