Infant (6-weeks to 18-months)
The infant program provides a loving and nurturing environment for children. This program allows staff to help each child develop a sense of security in their environment.
Toddler (18-months to 3-years)
The toddler program is designed to accommodate the development of self-help skills. Each child is introduced to new and exciting sensory experiences. A consistent program of developmentally appropriate activities helps nurture a positive "can-do" attitude.
Preschool (3 to 5-years)
The preschool program offers a variety of hands-on activities and experiences. Through play, children create, explore, and pretend. Planned activities and consistent daily schedules are balanced with free time to create a developmentally appropriate setting that enhances the preschooler's love of learning.
A School Readiness Program is part of the preschool for children who will be entering kindergarten the following year. Using the Get Set for School program children will participate in multi-sensory lessons and activities with a focus on language, literacy and math in a small group setting facilitated by the preschool teachers.