Below are answers to Accounting Services' most commonly asked questions.
We offer payment plans for the Spring and Fall Semesters. A student can choose to sign up for either a 3-part or 4-part payment plan that will divide the total amount of eligible tuition into three or four equal parts.
To sign up for the payment plan follow the steps below:
- Log into using your ÃÛÑ¿app User name and password.
- Click on "Student Center".
- Scroll to the "Finances" section.
- On the drop down menu, select "Other Financial".
- Choose "Enroll In Payment Plan" and click the double arrows (»).
- The next four steps will show you your upcoming payments and due dates, along with additional information about the payment plan.
- Once enrolled you should get a message confirming your enrollment into the payment plan.
No. When a student turns 18 years old or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, all rights belong to only the student.
On the other hand, FERPA provides ways in which a school may share information from a student's education records with parents/spouse/third-party with the student's consent. You will need to complete a third party release online through your Student Center.
There are three ways to pay for your ÃÛÑ¿app classes:
- Log onto and view your Student Center.
- Scroll down to the "Finances" section.
- Under the "Account Summary" box, click on the link "make a payment".
- From there you are able to enter the amount you want to pay. You can choose to pay by credit card or electronic check.
In Person
The Accounting Services Cashier's Office accepts payments Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Dandini campus in the Red Mountain Building, room 318. We accept credit cards (before 4 p.m.), cash, check and money orders.
By Mail
Payments can be mailed to the ÃÛÑ¿app Accounting Services Cashier’s Office (7000 Dandini Blvd., RDMT 318, Reno, Nevada 89512-3999) in the form of check or money order. Make checks payable to "Board of Regents" and include your student ID number on the check.
Set up your Direct Deposit online:
- Log in to your Student Center in .
- Scroll down to the "Finances" section.
- Click on "Enroll in Direct Deposit" (link is on the left side).
- Click on "Add Account".
- Enter your bank account information (including routing number).
- Once all information is entered and correct, click "Save".
To request a stop payment/replacement check you will need to contact the Accounting Services Cashier's Office.
The request will be processed within 10-14 business days. You will be notified when the replacement check is ready to be picked up at our office.
Accounting Services does not have the authority or access to register students for their classes. If you were dropped before the semester started, you will need to re-register for your classes on your own. Otherwise, contact Admissions and Records. If you can be re-enrolled into the class, you will be expected to pay for the course/courses immediately.
When funding is disbursed that means the funds are applied to your student account to pay for any outstanding balance. If funding is not enough to cover your balance, you will need to pay the remaining balance. If the funding exceeds the balance amount it will have to go through our refund process and you will either be mailed a check or have the funds direct deposited to the bank account (if you previously enrolled in the direct deposit process).
You are responsible for the original amount of payment and a $25 return payment, additionally a hold is placed that will not allow you to add or drop classes. As you now have a balance due, you may be subject to enrollment cancellation.
- Payroll direct deposit is available through Human Resources. It is used for student workers who would like direct deposit of their paycheck into their bank account.
- Student refund direct deposit is available for all students via for refunds for dropped classes or funds received from financial aid.
You can find this information online:
- Log in to your Student Center in .
- Under the "Finances" section, select "Other Financial" from the dropdown menu.
- Choose "Charges Due" and click on the double arrows (>>)
Refunds are usually processed once a week, after financial aid funds have been applied to your student account, and only if funds remain available for a refund.
Refunds for dropped classes are issued after the third week of instruction.
There are several tax programs for ÃÛÑ¿app students: the Hope Tax Credit, the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit, Employer-Provided Education Assistance and Student Loan Interest Deductions.
In January you will receive in the mail the IRS 1098-T itemizing tuition paid for the previous year. For more information, contact your tax advisor or visit the Financial Aid Office.
Students are responsible to drop their classes during the 100% refund period whether or not they attend the class. If you have extenuating circumstances, you may complete the Request for Exception to Refund Policy form and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office.
In 2011, the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents discontinued the "Good Neighbor" tuition rate. If you had been attending ÃÛÑ¿app using the "Good Neighbor" tuition rate continuously up to Fall 2011, you will be grandfathered in, so long as you continue attending ÃÛÑ¿app continuously.
New students from qualifying "Good Neighbor" counties may apply for the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) rate.
- Registration
- General