Architecture is the literal building block of society. We encounter its influence in our daily lives. Where most lay their head at night, a roof above protects them from the windy currents, rainfall, or snowdrift. While providing safety, these built environments shape our experiences, emotions, and cultures. The history echoed in iconic symbols of our country or the skyscrapers housing millions in metropolitan areas across America embody the boldness of human creativity. It can represent artistic expression, identity, and social communication. Its teachings are limitless because we’re constantly evolving.
Whether ancient or modern, tomorrow’s blueprint eclipses what we recognize today, meaning a thriving industry with abundant opportunities for successful careers addressing the runaway need for ecologically sensitive and resilient buildings. cites that the built environment accounts for 42% of CO2 emissions and, within its rapid growth data, illustrates the scale of what architects are to accomplish by 20 to match an increasing population. Welcome to the newly launched Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) Program at ѿapp, where cutting-edge technology, innovation, and imagination develop Northern Nevada’s world.
Does Form Allow Function? Or Function Allows Form?
In the architects’ case, design for our community transcends both. As residents of a bustling, expanding economy, built environments, including schools, businesses, hospitals, and sports facilities down to the scope of your house or apartment, systematically support our activities from pale blue dawn to evening twilight. You can witness the benefits of healthy, safe, and ecologically responsible designs during your commute to class, your job, or any other area of your life. Enroll in this groundbreaking field, where ѿapp offers a five-year professional degree in architecture, marking a significant milestone granting accessibility, affordability, and exceptional training to meet contemporary standards.
“The BArch Program is manageable for a diverse student group, including those who may find it difficult to pursue higher education due to cost. Once fully accredited, this will be the most financially achievable course of study globally. According to the 2021 report, median tuition at accredited BArch institutions adds up to over $55,000 for in-state and $124,000 for out-of-state in the five years of a student’s degree. ѿapp’s five-year program delivers the same for under $27,000!” said Architecture Program Coordinator and Part-Time Instructor Nate Hudson.
“Architecture benefits immensely from varied perspectives, leading to inclusive environments and designs that serve all communities. We hope to engage students with an eye for form, strong problem-solving abilities, an interest in sustainability, a community-oriented mindset, and an enthusiasm to learn this time-honored profession. To attract those excited about architecture but without traditional access to resources in light of geographical, monetary, or disparate barriers, ” said Architecture Instructor Deysi Montes-Castillo.
ѿapp’s BArch Program is currently in candidacy with the NAAB, confirming that the College’s academic quality, positive student outcomes, and self-evaluation frameworks meet rigorous nationally accepted standards. Prospects for internships, mentorship, and firsthand practice on projects with interested partners await you as you professionally integrate into the local job market.
If a desire to repay in kind and leave our planet better than you found it for future generations feels promising, the BArch be a redeeming calling. Faculty members considerately visit regional elementary, middle, and high schools, sharing project-based expertise with students eager to understand the harmonization of art, math, and science ingrained throughout the profession. Backed by the , professionals engage directly with BArch students as adjunct faculty, mentors, and employers. The connections between academia and the local professional community are tenacious and work toward the same goals. While the work remains fluid, the motivation remains unchanged.
A Growing Program
“We’re looking for more physical space for a rapidly growing program. We aspire to become a high-quality boutique curriculum that’s highly sought after, keeping our numbers realistic. Our goal is to expand partnerships within the industry and bring stronger connections with local organizations that have a presence in Reno, Nevada, creating valuable opportunities for our students,” said Architecture Instructor Kreg Mebust.
“What drew me to the architecture industry is its unique blend of science, geometry, site conditions, and the human scale. The ability to create spaces that positively impact communities is tremendously rewarding. Additionally, teaching allows me to mentor and inspire the next generation of architects, guiding them to think critically and design thoughtfully. I emphasize the importance of considering the environment, community, and culture in their work–values essential in architecture,” said Montes-Castillo.
Faculty recalled how, fifteen years prior, architecture was considered an underperforming degree track. Today, it's one of the dominant William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center programs with four full-time educators. This satisfying boost transcends Northern Nevada, with transferring students joining from separate universities. With impeccable commitment, studio transparency, and sage counsel, the BArch Program at ѿapp invites you to explore a worthwhile career with considerable upside potential. Brick by brick, your versatility could construct lasting confidence for decades.
For more information, please visit the BArch website.