We’re sure that you’ve heard about the benefits of being early for years by now: getting up early, registering early, going to bed early, completing your assignments early. And while it’s not our place to argue with the merits of being early (stressing about not getting an assignment done on time is never fun), we thought we’d spend a moment expressing the merits of being late.
If you’re a night owl, staying up late (perhaps even to study) is a habit that’s probably helped you to be successful. Sleeping in late is a great way to recharge and something that a vast majority of Americans partake in at least on the weekends. And, although we hate to admit it, if things ever return to “normal” again, arriving a little bit late (a.k.a. “fashionably late”) will probably also be slightly cooler than arriving on time, and heaven forbid, arriving early.
To that list, we’ll add registering for ѿapp’s late start classes. What’s so great about late start classes? Aside from being the greatest academic life-hack since online registration, they are an effective strategy you can add to your repertoire to help you complete your certificate or degree program in record time while adding flair to your schedule that won’t tire you out. Granted, late start classes won’t mow the lawn or do the laundry, but there’s a lot that a late start class can do for your college transcript.
Five Reasons to Love Late Start Classes
Not sure how late start classes can do all of that? Here are our top five reasons to consider registering late this spring:
- If you forgot to register at the start of the semester, it’s not the end of the world. It happens: you get busy and after nearly a year of learning and working from home, it’s easy to lose track of the days. If this happened to you, don’t worry: you can still take that class you wanted to thanks to late start classes.
- Late is better than never! Some classes are only offered once per year; if you can manage an extra three to five credits, our motto is: "late is better than never!" Late start classes grant you the opportunity to add just one more class you need to graduate on or before your targeted deadline.
- You’ll already know what you’re getting into. You’re already four weeks into the semester: you know the drill in terms of following the syllabus, how to log into Canvas, and how to reach out for help from the Tutoring and Learning Center. In other words, you’ve got this college thing down!
- Say hello to a shorter semester...with that class anyway! If you have a required class that you’re not sure will be your favorite...well, registering for a late start option means fewer weeks of your life will be spent Zooming in and out of those classes. Granted, the number of class-time hours and homework will still equal what students enrolled in the full semester class will do, but if studying that required class for twelve weeks instead of sixteen sounds amazing, late start classes might be just for you.
- You need an elective credit. Let’s say you registered for all your required classes at the beginning of the semester. The schedule is doable, and you even have some free time. Why not take a class in a subject that interests you and that will fulfill an elective credit? That puts you three credits closer to earning your degree...and all because you started late.
How to Make Late Start Classes Work for You
If you like the idea of taking a late start class, but you don’t know where to start, our Academic Advising team recommends the following classes that fulfill your General Education requirements. These include:
- Anthropology 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- Core Humanities 201: Ancient and Medieval Cultures
- Core Humanities 203: American Experiences and Constitutional Change
- Environmental Science 101: Introduction to Environmental Science
- History 111: Survey of U.S. Constitutional History
- Humanities 101: Introduction to Humanities I
- Political Science 101: Introduction to American Politics
- Theater 210: Theatre: A Cultural Context
If you’ve got the time, adding one (or more!) of these classes will take you steps closer to your degree requirements.
However, if you’re pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree, you may want to check out these late start options that apply to your General Education requirements:
- Management 171: Supervision
- Management 212: Leadership and Human Relations
- Education, Career and Personal Development (EPY) 101
- Philosophy 102: Critical Thinking and Reasoning
- Business 101: Introduction to Business
Once you’ve made your choice on what class(es) you want to take, you can register for a late start class just like you’d register for any class at ѿapp through the . For more information about selecting classes that complete your certificate or degree requirements, schedule an appointment with our , or contact them directly at 775-673-7062.