It might seem counterintuitive, but summer is the perfect time to start plotting your academic success. How do you do that, you ask? Let us count the reasons... by taking math, math and more math!
Math Skills Center Coordinator (and longtime Math Instructor) Kyle Sadanaga explains that taking summers off does more harm than good for students who are struggling to meet the math requirements for their degree program. “By taking math through the summer months, students can keep that information fresh in their brains. Even if you end up needing to re-take the course, it’s definitely worth doing in the long run,” he said.
So, if you’re like 98% of the population who either irrationally fears or passionately dislikes math, delaying the inevitable (every degree-seeking student has to complete a math requirement) really offers students no benefit. Instead, use this summer to hone and get into your “algo-rithm” so you can reasonably meet those gateway requirements!
Not sure yet? Read on about how this amazing on-campus resource can be your ticket to achieving your academic goals.
Facts About ѿapp’s Math Skills Center
Located in Vista 106, the Math Skills Center features instructional space with 18 computers, a study area with whiteboard tables and an additional four computers, four iPads that students can borrow and an array of tutors and instructors who, as long as you stop by during Math Skills Center hours, are there to provide instruction or calculated numerical support, as needed.
During the summer, the Math Skills Center is open 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Monday through Friday—which offers plenty of opportunity for students who are enrolled in either SKC 80 or SKC 85 to fit in their required two hours per week of lab time.
If all of this is sounding too good to be true, don’t worry: you can still catch the following courses for the second summer session, which begins on Monday, July 8:
- SKC 80, section 1903, which meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 11–1 p.m.
- SKC 80, section 1904, which meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11–1 p.m.
- SKC 85, section 1903, which meets Mondays and Wednesdays, from 11–1 p.m.
- SKC 85, section 1904, which meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11–1 p.m.
And while succeeding in math might not ever be as easy as pi (and it’s slightly more expensive than pi, too, because Financial Aid does not cover the cost of these 1.5 credit courses), the Math Skills Center can help you to build a solid foundation of mathematical knowledge and skills that you will certainly need in pursuit of your degree, and perhaps for success later in life.
Tangential Reasons to Take Math Classes this Summer
What else can you expect from taking classes in the summer at the Math Skills Center? It’s actually better than you might expect:
- Smaller class sizes so you can capitalize on learning within the comfort of your own personal space.
- More lab time with a guaranteed spot in your favorite part of the room.
- More attention from the highly trained staff who can help you see the point of decimals and why obtuse angles are never right.
You don’t need to take the Accuplacer to take an SKC course, which is welcome news if you are returning to school after a short or long break, or if you want to gauge your skill level before investing in a 3-credit course. Whatever your reason, “We’re here to help you,” said Sadanaga.
Drillz and Skillz Math Refresher Bootcamp
If the thought of taking a class in the summer is simply irrational (or overwhelming), the Math Skills Center is offering its biannual Drillz and Skillz Bootcamp August 12-16. For those interested in taking the workshop, there are two options: one workshop will run from 9 a.m.–noon, while a second is available in the evening from 5:30–8:30 p.m., enabling those with day jobs to attend.
If you consider yourself “rusty” in basic math concepts like fractions, decimals, ratios, and percentages, consider attending this week-long workshop offered through ѿapp’s Workforce Development and Community Education program. “It’s also a great way to gauge where you are,” said Sadanaga. “Sometimes the workshop compels students to take SKC 80 and to work on their basic math skills before moving on to Math 95 or 96.”
No matter what combination of workshops or classes you take, according to Sadanaga the key to your success in math comes down to time. “If you put in the time, you definitely have a better chance at succeeding,” he said.
There’s no denying the simple truth that the sooner you start working on your math, the sooner you can complete it. And then, when you complete Math 120, you can worry about the aftermath.
For more information about the Math Skills Center, call 775-674-7696.