ѿapp Foundation participated in Nevada’s Big Give on March 21st, raising proceeds of almost $7,000 to support ѿapp’s Veterinary Technician Program.
On March 21, the ѿapp Foundation participated in Nevada’s Big Give, a 24-hour online crowdfunding event created to rally community support for charitable causes, and provide communities the opportunity to “give where you live.” This year’s effort was a success with proceeds totaling nearly $7,000 to support ѿapp’s Veterinary Technician Program. Thank you to our donors who provided 51 donations throughout the day, qualifying ѿapp for various drawings in which ѿapp won an additional $1,000 during The Final Countdown, boosting the overall total raised to $6,759.
Donations received from Nevada’s Big Give will be applied to the Veterinary Technician Program that will be relocating from the William N. Pennington Health Science Center to the Meadowood Center. This expansion next fall will allow for a 25% growth in student enrollment in the Veterinary Technician Program. The new facility will include an enhanced learning experience with a true-to-life veterinary hospital design, including a surgery room, x-ray room, exam room, and a reception area.
For over 12 years, the Vet Tech Program and have mutually benefited by proving Vet Tech students the opportunity to practice their veterinary skills caring for lost and/or injured animals while supplementing staffing needs for WCRAS. In 2017, the WCRAS received 34,870 calls for service and took in 13,642 animals. ѿapp Vet Tech students examine each animal that comes into WCRAS, ensuring that injuries are stabilized and immediate medical needs are addressed. These students have assisted with the treatment and recovery of more than 6,000 injured/homeless animals providing them with a much-needed chance for adoption. “Vet Tech is very excited about the move to the Meadowood Center, which will provide a clinical site that will enable us to train additional students and help more rescue animals,” commented Michele Noreen, professor of Veterinary Technology.
Nevada’s Big Give donations this year will be applied toward the matching requirement for our $500,000 grant to fund the Vet Tech relocation and expansion. Due to our community’s generous support and donations as part of Nevada’s Big Give, we now only have approximately $121,000 left to raise to reach our match goal by June 30! “If you love a pet and would like to support Vet Tech,” please make a donation today that will help us to meet our match goal!