Twenty-eight students from ACE High School in Reno participated in ѿapp's Inaugural NC3 Signing day on Friday, February 21.
The NC3 Signing Event looked like an event typically hosted by collegiate athletic programs: the signing table, the student who shakes the hand of a head coach and smiles for the camera. ѿapp’s NC3 event—which was held last Friday, Feb. 21—had several key differences: the participating high school students aren’t going to wear a sport jersey (at least not for this program) and there’s not a coach in sight; instead, these young men and women are joining a powerful team of the New Nevada’s future workforce.
By attending and participating in the event, students made a commitment to themselves that their professional futures will reside in the Career and Technical Education division of ѿapp. NC3 National CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day is a national event; ѿapp was one of 31 institutions of higher learning (which included community colleges, colleges, technical colleges and universities) that participated. In addition to hosting an in-person event, each school streamed a live video that is available for playback on the NC3 website.
Twenty-eight high school students from Reno’s ACE High School attended the ceremony by signing their commitment to Career and Technical Education. NSHE Regents, ACE High School administration and faculty, ѿapp leadership and faculty from participating programs as well as the students’ family and friends supported the students as they crossed the stage to make a commitment to their futures. “It was great to have ACE’s cooperation in this event,” said Automotive Instructor Paul Seybold, who organized the event. “And I look forward to expanding it to students from other Washoe County School District schools next year.”
Additionally, industry representatives from Tesla, MoPar Cap and Wells Fargo attended the ceremony to support these high school students who have chosen to join these quickly growing industries. The story was covered by local news outlets, including KTVN Channel 2, and .
“This event recognizes that these students are just as important as athletes,” said Seybold. “Overall, the event was a success, and we hope to build on this event in the future—hopefully, it will continue to grow each and every year. Students who commit to the future in this way should be celebrated."
And that, perhaps, is one element the NC3 Signing Day shares with athletics: the celebration of a student’s commitment to their futures. Of course, no signing day event is complete without presenting each signee with a hat.
For more information about the NC3 Signing Day or about Career and Technical Education, please contact ѿapp’s Center for Applied Technologies at 775-856-5300.