One vote per day from any email address, text message or Twitter handle is accepted. To vote via text, type "tmccedu" to 334455.
Students and staff are voting daily online from now until Feb. 13 for Truckee Meadows Community College University Police Services - ѿapp Substation to win a prize of up to $200,000 in security products and services.
Police Chief Randy Flocchini has nominated ѿapp in the “Together for Safer Schools” program sponsored by Stanley Security Solutions, Inc.
“I am proud to nominate Truckee Meadows Community College for consideration in the 2015 Stanley Security ‘Together for Safer Schools’ Higher Education Grant Program,” Flocchini wrote in the nomination. “Our overarching goal is to keep our community safe in the ever-changing environment with constantly changing technological advances.”
Dan Johnston, ѿapp Police Lieutenant, agrees.
“The College is always looking to improve the safety and security of students and staff,” Johnston said. “The ability of any higher ed institution to keep up with technology related to security is difficult because of the rapid advances, and the cost of the rapidly changing technological systems.”
Many daily online votes are needed in order to compete for the grant awards. One vote per day from any email address, text message or Twitter handle is accepted.
To Vote:
- Go online to https://stanleysaferschools.com/Vote/ID/tmccedu, or
- To vote via text, type "tmccedu" to 334455, or
- Tweet using the hashtags #STANLEYSecurity and #tmccedu
“The ability to apply for this particular grant and the possibility of additional funds is a tremendous opportunity to upgrade and enhance our safety and security infrastructure,” Flocchini wrote.
Contest Has Multiple Awards
Stanley Security Solutions, Inc. is a company that produces advanced technology systems, including locks, cameras, blue-pole emergency phones, employee recognition software and more, said Johnston. The equipment typically costs between $500 and $50,000.
Stanley Security started the “Together for Safer Schools” program in 2013.
“The grant program is a contest through which public voting will determine U.S. colleges and universities to win consultative services, products, solutions, and/or installation from Stanley Security,” according to their website.
Two colleges with the most votes in their assigned tier will receive the security grant. Three tiers are based on the number of students enrolled; ѿapp is in tier category 2, between 8,000 and 19,999 students. More information may be found on the competition website.
The ѿapp community can view results in progress at Stanley Security’s leaderboard.
ѿapp Police Department Is Also Looking Into Other Technological Improvements
“The ѿapp Police is also pursuing a grant for electronic citations and accident reporting hardware and software,” Johnston said. “A rugged tablet wirelessly transmitted to a printer can more efficiently send required collision data to the State of Nevada. The grant is from the Office of Traffic Safety, which is part of the Nevada Department of Public Safety.”
To apply for the Nevada e-Grant, Johnston must attend a class on Feb. 12 that trains applicants and authorizes them to write the required forms. ѿapp Police Department will know if it has been awarded the state funds in about 30 days once the paperwork is submitted.
For more information about the ѿapp Police Department, or for general questions about security and safety on campus, call 775-674-7900. For emergencies, please dial 911.