ÃÛÑ¿app's instructional mission is to hire the most qualified individuals for teaching positions. The Faculty Qualifications Policy articulates standards that strengthen academic rigor and allow ÃÛÑ¿app to maintain academic excellence and a reputation of providing high quality instruction. For the purpose of this policy all degrees are expected to be from regionally accredited institutions. This policy applies to both full-time and part-time faculty.
General Standards of Qualifications for Faculty
Prior to employment of candidates to perform instructional or professional services for Truckee Meadows Community College, the hiring supervisor and/or committee must establish that the candidate possesses the following:
- Scholarship and/or technical skill that represents appropriate study, training, and skills in the proposed area of assignment;
- The ability to perform instructional duties as evidenced by previous work experience or scholarship;
- The ability to understand the role of a community college faculty member;
- The ability to work with the college community to achieve the goals, objectives and mission of Truckee Meadows Community College and to promote the welfare of students, the institution and the State of Nevada.
Specific Qualifications for Faculty
A minimum of a Master’s degree in the specific or closely related field or discipline as listed in the position description and advertisement, and demonstrated potential to be a successful instructor are required to teach university transfer courses.
In disciplines where the master’s degree or equivalent may not exist, the following qualifications may be used:
- Have a minimum of 15 graduate credits in the discipline or in a discipline directly related to the subject(s) to be taught;
- Have been awarded a professional degree beyond the bachelor’s degree and with qualifications in specialized areas (e.g., law);
- Have been awarded a bachelor’s degree and hold a current professional certification granted by a nationally recognized association (e.g., CPA for accounting).
In areas where a master’s degree is not required, qualifications may include training, apprenticeships, education, experience, certifications, awards, exhibits, publications, and proven success in the teaching area.
A baccalaureate degree in the field and at least three years of successful work experience in the field or directly related to the subject(s) to be taught are required of faculty members teaching non-transfer courses in academic disciplines.
A minimum of an associate degree or equivalent and a level of credentialing/mastery commensurate with the position description as determined by the hiring supervisor and/or committee are required of all faculty teaching career-technical courses. For career-technical and non-transfer courses in academic disciplines, the Dean will make a temporary one-year appointment if applicants do not meet the General Education part of the associate degree. The position will be re-advertised.
Certification of Qualifications
Application requirements for full- or part-time faculty positions shall include an unofficial transcript. Upon offer of employment, the candidate shall provide an official transcript to the ÃÛÑ¿app Human Resources Office within fifteen days after signing a contract. Failure to provide official transcripts is grounds for termination. The department chair, coordinator, or director shall be responsible for the verification of qualifications necessary to meet the general requirements for employment and the specific requirements for open positions as described in official position posting notices.
Human Resources will maintain applicant pools for all part-time teaching positions. Administrators and department chairs seeking part-time teaching applicants for specific courses will draw from this pool.
Faculty Desiring to Teach in Additional Fields
Faculty members employed in an academic discipline or professional field who desire to teach in another discipline/field must have a minimum of 15 graduate credits in the discipline or directly related to the subject(s) to be taught as determined by the department chair.
Special Skills
ÃÛÑ¿app may hire, from time to time, an individual who possesses a special skill or appropriate course work, or talent, or reflects a special or unique life experience, but does not meet the appropriate degree requirements outlined in this qualifications policy. Under these circumstances, approval will be obtained in advance from the appropriate dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.