Per the NFA Contract, Article 9, ѿapp is announcing to all eligible Academic and Administrative faculty that a need exists for an Math Corequisite Community of Practice Lead.
Posting Date
April 18, 2024
Math Corequisite Community of Practice Lead
Scope of Work
This position will serve the 2024–2025 academic year. The assignment will cover 172 contract days of the academic year. The position requires an estimated 45 hours total on-campus work, or approximately 1.5 hours/week on-campus work for the academic year during contract days, in addition to any regularly scheduled office hours for the Fall and Spring semester. The coordinator shall also be responsive to emails on a regular basis during contract days. This additional assignment is not automatically renewed annually.
Responsibilities and Deliverables
- Develop and lead the Math Community of Practice
- Promote, schedule, and lead the Community of Practice faculty sessions for math co-requisite support faculty
- Maintain records of meetings and attendance
- Encourage part-time faculty to engage in the community of practice to share ideas in an effort to improve curriculum and student retention in math with corequisite support
- Provide on-going support to part-time faculty
- Maintain resources for part-time faculty
- Assist in providing any professional development for math part-time faculty
- Write and submit to the dean a final report of performed duties and outcomes
The ideal candidate for this position will meet the following criteria:
- Current ѿapp full-time Math faculty
- Gateway Math and Math Corequisite support teaching experience
- Be familiar with the Math Department and its implementation of Corequisite support for college-level math courses
- Proven organization, written, and communication skills
- Proven skills in leading professional development
- Proven skills in course development using Canvas
This is a “B” contract position stipend with 3 credits stipend or release time per academic year (Fall and Spring)
Reports To
Chair of the Math Department
Application Process
Interested faculty will submit a letter of interest describing special qualifications and background information no later than 5 p.m. on May 8, 2024.
The letter should be addressed to Anne Flesher, Dean of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences. Note: Administrative faculty must include a documented plan for separation of the additional assignment work from regular work time.
Selection Process
The Dean will notify applicants of the hiring decision on or before May 10, 2024.