Below are answers to Tutoring's most commonly asked questions.
For a quick question, please stop by for drop-in tutoring support or schedule a 30-minute appointment with a tutor.
No, many students who come in to The Tutoring and Learning Center are "A", "B", and "C" students who want an extra pair of eyes to look over their paper, or help solidify their understanding of course specific concepts.
No, this service is free for all ÃÛÑ¿app students, including students. You must be currently enrolled at ÃÛÑ¿app in the college-level class for which you are receiving tutoring.
Earn a B in the class you would like to tutor, get a faculty member to complete a recommendation form, and apply online. Learn more about Working with Us.
- using your ÃÛÑ¿app network credentials.Â
- From the homepage, go to "Center Attendance", then go to "Appointments", and choose "View All".Â
- This will take you to a list of all of your appointments for that week. If you are trying to find a report for an appointment that occurred a few weeks ago, you will need to change the "Period" that you are viewing. You should be able to select a specific range of dates that you would like to see.
- Select the appointment you would like to see a summary report for. You can do this by clicking on your name, or, by hovering on the tab, and clicking on the small speech bubble icon. This will take you to the notes section of the appointment booking.Â
- Once you have opened the notes section, read through the report. See if your tutor left you links to any resources. If your appointment was conducted through Dropbox (asynchronous) or over Zoom (synchronous), your tutor should have uploaded any documents you wanted them to go over with commentary on the file.Â
- Take a screenshot of the notes section; this serves as proof of tutoring. If you are unsure of how to take a screenshot on your computer, check out these videos:
- Save the screenshot to your device, and upload it with your final assignment.
All ÃÛÑ¿app students are welcome to use tutoring. Weekly tutoring limitations are the same for all ÃÛÑ¿app students. If you need assistance on how to schedule and attend tutoring, please view the video on our appointment page. If you have concerns about the accessibility of our services, please contact us so that we may better assist you.
Yes, tutoring is free for all ÃÛÑ¿app students, including students. You must be currently enrolled at ÃÛÑ¿app in the college-level class for which you are receiving tutoring.
ÃÛÑ¿app Tutors will work with you to improve the content of your paper. They are trained to look at the "big picture", including organization and development of ideas, and evidence of a thesis with clear and logical support. If they have time, they can help make sentence-level revisions, including strengthening and varying sentences, refining style, omitting inappropriate or imprecise language, and helping with grammar and mechanics. They do not simply "fix" papers.
You need to schedule an appointment online. To access TLC's online scheduling system, you need to know your . Then follow the instructions from our website on how to make an appointment.
Please cancel your appointment. The  will only allow you to cancel appointments up to 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you are unable to cancel your appointment in time, please ³¦´Ç²Ô³Ù²¹³¦³ÙÌý³Ü²õ immediately. If you do not arrive within 15 minutes of the start of your appointment, it will be marked as a missed appointment. Excessive late cancellations or missed appointments can affect your ability to continue to make appointments.
We apologize, but we are not able to offer tutoring for all ÃÛÑ¿app courses. If you would like to develop tutoring for a particular course, talk to your instructor and the other students in the class to see if there is a high level of interest in having a tutor for your class. Then speak with the Tutoring and Learning Center Coordinator about arranging tutoring for your course.
You should bring relevant materials to your tutoring sessions, including the assignments for which you are having difficulties, returned exams or essays, and your textbooks and exercises. Complete as much of the assignment before your appointment, and come prepared to actively participate in the session.
Our tutors are mainly ÃÛÑ¿app and UNR students who have done well in their classes and want to share their knowledge and passion for supporting their peers.
- General