Piano Class I
Beginning piano class. Music reading and keyboard techniques from beginning through early intermediate levels. No previous musical training required.
Beginning piano class. Music reading and keyboard techniques from beginning through early intermediate levels. No previous musical training required.
Beginning piano class. Music reading and keyboard techniques from beginning through early intermediate levels. No previous musical training required.
This course is geared toward the beginning level guitarist. Topics will include chording, music reading, melody playing, right hand technique and style.
This course is geared toward the beginning level guitarist. Topics will include chording, music reading, melody playing, right hand technique and style.
Fundamentals of tone production, breath control, and practical techniques involved in reading and interpreting songs. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
Notation, terminology, intervals, scales and chords. Designed to furnish a foundation for musicianship and music theory.
This course will continue the teaching of the techniques of sight-singing, ear training and music dictation at an intermediate level. The course will include the utilization of solfege, complex rhythm-reading, melodic and harmonic dictation at an intermediate level.
Notation, terminology, intervals, scales and chords. Designed to furnish a foundation for musicianship and music theory.
This course will continue the teaching of the techniques of sight-singing, ear training and music dictation at an intermediate level. The course will include the utilization of solfege, complex rhythm-reading, melodic and harmonic dictation at an intermediate level.
This course will continue the teaching of the techniques of sight-singing, ear training and music dictation at an intermediate level. The course will include the utilization of solfege, complex rhythm-reading, melodic and harmonic dictation at an intermediate level.