Introduction to Acting II
Continued work on scenes and on principles of auditioning, role analysis, play rehearsal and problems related to sustaining a stage performance.
Continued work on scenes and on principles of auditioning, role analysis, play rehearsal and problems related to sustaining a stage performance.
This course will focus on developing the skills needed to create theatrical productions. Focus will be on safety, tool use, material properties, and problem solving in order to build, sew, paint, rig, and run a theatre production.
This course will teach students to appreciate, interpret and respond to selected films from particular genres, directors or actors and to recognize the human values these films depict. It will also introduce students to some of the techniques of filmmaking in general. (Same as HUM 105.)
Interpretation of drama through the art of the actor. Development of individual insights, skills, and disciplines in the presentation of dramatic material to the audience and the learning of basic exercises for the actor.
A survey course covering a variety of different aspects of theater including play analysis, historical style, play writing, acting, directing, technical theatre, and more. Representative plays are analyzed from a performance-based perspective. No previous experience in theater is required. Satisfies UNR Fine Arts core curriculum and applies as a general elective at UNLV.
This is a course designed to increase one's understanding and appreciation of multicultural theatrical art forms and artists who are creating outside of mainstream American theatre. The language, as well as the aural and visual components of the plays, will be explored.
This is a course designed to increase one's understanding and appreciation of multicultural theatrical art forms and artists who are creating outside of mainstream American theatre. The language, as well as the aural and visual components of the plays, will be explored.
Develop hand drafting and CAD skills to create drafting for theatre production. Emphasis is placed on informational clarity and adherence to industry drafting standards.
Students will explore the elements and principles of design for visual communication through different artistic media, and apply developed concepts to theatrical productions.
This is a course designed to increase one's understanding and appreciation of multicultural theatrical art forms and artists who are creating outside of mainstream American theatre. The language, as well as the aural and visual components of the plays, will be explored.