An examination of the research goals, theoretical foundations and methods of anthropological archaeology. Examples are drawn from notable archaeological sites worldwide.
An examination of the research goals, theoretical foundations and methods of anthropological archaeology. Examples are drawn from notable archaeological sites worldwide.
This course traces the evolution of human societies worldwide through examining the major changes in human technology, economy, social structure, politics and ideology over the last 2.5 million years. The course also covers basic archaeological methods and theory, and examines important discoveries made by archaeologists in the last century. The goal of the course is to increase students' general understanding of the way humans have modified their behavior over the course of their biological and cultural evolution and to explore the ways key inventions altered the course of this development.
An interdisciplinary survey of race and ethnicity, examining identity, cultural diversity, intergroup relations, and public policies from sociological and anthropological perspectives. Same as SOC 205.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Comparative survey of selected societies from throughout the world. Emphasis on the impact of global developments on traditional societies. Satisfies UNR social science or diversity core curriculum.
Practical experience in aspects of physical anthropology: the mechanisms of inheritance, osteology and forensic science, comparative anatomy and human evolution, the processes of human growth and aging, and aspects of modern human variability. Includes eight laboratory experiences. Satisfies UNR and UNLV core requirements for a laboratory science course.