Hazardous Materials
A review of basic properties of solids, liquids and gases and the storage, handling, law, standards and firefighting practices pertaining to hazardous materials.
A review of basic properties of solids, liquids and gases and the storage, handling, law, standards and firefighting practices pertaining to hazardous materials.
The academy covers all of the National Fire Protection Association and Nevada State Firefighter I requirements. The curriculum covers fire behavior, firefighter safety, personal protective equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus, portable fire extinguishers, water supply, fire hose and appliances, nozzles, fire streams, basic building construction, ladders, ropes and knots, rescue procedures, forcible entry, ventilation, salvage and overhaul, hazardous material mitigation to the operational level, basic terrorism, and wildland firefighting (S-110, 130, 190).
This course addresses the principles of Assessment Based Management that will teach the paramedic student how to implement a plan for patients with common complaints. The course will also prepare the Paramedic for the concepts of medical incident command, ambulance and rescue operations, hazardous materials incidents, and crime scene awareness.
This course prepares the Paramedic to identify, assess, manage, and treat age-related emergencies, and other special challenges. The student will also be introduced to the concept of assessment-based management. Topics include Neonatology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Abuse and Assault, and Patients with Special Challenges. This course satisfies 12 hours of instruction toward completing the embedded Human Relations curriculum requirements, in accordance with Embedded Curriculum Guidelines Option A.
This course will prepare the paramedic student to identify, assess, manage, and treat various types of trauma emergencies. The ITLS course will teach paramedic students the skills necessary to recognize mechanisms of injury, assess, perform critical interventions, package for transport, and fundamental knowledge and experiences necessary to deliver the trauma patient to the emergency department. This course satisfies 10 embedded hours toward specified programs and certificates for AAS Human Relations General Education requirements.
This course will prepare the Paramedic student to identify, assess, manage, and treat various medical emergencies and communicable diseases utilizing proper assessment, communication techniques, and interventions. This course satisfies 12 hours of Human Relations general education requirement. This course satisfies 13 embedded hours toward specified programs and certificates for AAS Math/Quantitative Reasoning General Education requirements
This course is designed to provide more in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology to help students build a foundation when entering the paramedic academy. This course has a lecture and lab component where the structure and function of all of the body systems will be discussed and applied. This course satisfies the science credit for the Associates in Applied Science- Prehospital Emergency Services only. This course is also a prerequisite to enter into the paramedic program.
This course is designed for students to practice skills appropriate to national level exams within the paramedic scope.
This course will prepare the Paramedic student to recognize and identify cardiac abnormalities in a 12-lead ECG as well as be able to identify when to treat abnormalities based on the presentation of the patient
The primary focus of the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician is to provide basic and limited advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician is a link from the scene to the emergency health care system. Successful completion of this course allows the candidate to sit for the National Registry of EMT's and State of Nevada's certification exam. This course satisfies 23 hours of instruction toward completing the embedded Human Relations curriculum requirements, in accordance with Embedded Curriculum Guidelines Option A.