- Apply to the College
Complete a and view important dates and deadlines. If you have questions, contact the Admissions and Records Office. -
Complete Required Program Interest Form
Complete and submit this online program interest form that directly informs our department about your intent to apply to one of our programs.Don't skip this important step, or your application may be delayed!
Fill out my . - Complete the Following Requirements
Please allow time for this process; your background check, drug screen and immunization verification can take up to six weeks to complete. All the requirements must be met at least two weeks prior to the start of any semester. Please submit your items in the order listed.- Background Check (valid for one year; cost: $51.50)
Background check, Drug Screen and Immunization Verification are conducted by PreCheck, Inc., a firm specializing in background checks for healthcare workers.- Go to the and select the School and Program from the dropdown menu; type in "Truckee Meadows Community College - Sterile Processing Technician"
- Select Program (Sterile Processing Technician)
- Under Select Services check "Background Check"
- Click "Start Application" and complete the required fields
- Drug Screen and Immunizations (valid for one year; cost: $55)
PreCheck will communicate with you and suggest locations where you can get your drug test and they’ll provide instructions on how to submit your immunization information.- Go to the  and select the School and Program from the dropdown menu; type in "Truckee Meadows Community College – Sterile Processing Technician"
- Select Program (Sterile Processing Technician)
- Under Select Services check "Drug Test" and "Immunizations"
- Click "Start Application" and complete the required fields
- Note about Immunizations: You will need to provide documentation of your current immunization status. Read more about the required immunizations.
- Insurance and CPR Cards
- Insurance: You will need to provide proof of your Major Medical Insurance Coverage for the class term.
- CPR Card: If you’re enrolling in the Sterile Processing Program you are required to have an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) card. No other CPR certification will be accepted. Your card must be valid for the class term and cannot expire during that term.
- Background Check (valid for one year; cost: $51.50)
- Register for Classes
When documents are complete and uploaded, all information will be verified, and we will contact you via email indicating your "release" date.
Background Checks and Drug Screening
Background checks and drug screens are a requirement of clinical rotations.
If a student declines, or if the background or drug screen is unsatisfactory to the facility, the student will not be permitted to participate in the clinical portion of the program. Students are admitted to each course, subject to the results of the background check and drug screen, and acceptance at the clinical site.
ÃÛÑ¿app is not responsible for obtaining background checks or drug screens, and will not receive the results of any investigations.
Current students are advised that they will be withdrawn from the program if clinical requirements are not met for any reason.
COVID-19 Immunization
Completed series of either two Pfizer, two Moderna, or one Johnson and Johnson vaccines.
TB Screening
Evidence of a negative TB status can be provided one of the following ways:
- Option 1: QuantiFERON Gold blood titer test results (negative results).
- Option 2: Two TB skin tests are required (one test and then a second in 7-14 days), unless annual skin tests have been performed.
- Option 3: If TB skin test is known to be positive, a current negative chest x-ray is required (good for 5 years). A yearly questionnaire will be performed thereafter.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunity
Two doses at least 28 days (4 weeks) apart if you were born after 1957. Proof of immunity by blood draw (Titer) will suffice but must be for all three diseases (Measles, Mumps and Rubella).
Hepatitis B Series
The series of 3 immunizations, 1 initially. A second should be given within 1 month, and the third in 6 months is recommended. Evidence of immunity is acceptable.
Diphtheria/Tetanus Immunization with Pertussis Booster
The injection must have been received within the past 10 years.
Two doses of varicella vaccine, 4 weeks or more apart, or a positive titer.
Influenza Vaccination
Required in flu season (typically October–March).
A valid Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR card, sponsored by the American Heart Association. This is generally valid for two years and must be renewed if expiration occurs prior to the end of clinical experience. Note: online courses are accepted in conjunction with hands-on skills.