Introduction to Statistics
Descriptive statistics, probability models, statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis, and special topics.
Descriptive statistics, probability models, statistical estimation and hypothesis testing, linear regression analysis, and special topics.
Continued introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on proficiency in the four skills as described for SPAN 111. This course transfers to UNR as SPAN 112.
Continued introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on proficiency in the four skills as described for SPAN 111. This course transfers to UNR as SPAN 112.
Introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on development of communicative proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For true beginners only. This course transfers to UNR as SPAN 111.
Introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on development of communicative proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For true beginners only. This course transfers to UNR as SPAN 111.
Nature of the person and interpersonal relationships, their formation and maintenance and their institutional, ideological and societal contexts; empirical examination of beliefs, attitudes, influence. Same as PSY 261.
Sociological principles underlying the development of culture, structure and function of society, human groups, institutions, deviance, stratification and social change. Satisfies UNR Social Science core curriculum.
Sociological principles underlying the development of culture, structure and function of society, human groups, institutions, deviance, stratification and social change. Satisfies UNR Social Science core curriculum.
Sociological principles underlying the development of culture, structure and function of society, human groups, institutions, deviance, stratification and social change. Satisfies UNR Social Science core curriculum.
A planned clinical experience is provided which gives the student the opportunity to improve and perfect clinical skills while applying theoretical principles to radiographic procedures being performed under supervision of the clinical staff. Progression in the program is dependent on the student demonstrating clinical competence on a specified number of competency evaluations (the number to be identified in the syllabus) and demonstrating continued competence on examinations in which competence has already been demonstrated.