Jurisdiction and Responsibilities
- A judicial court may be convened for the purpose of adjudicating cases arising from the SGA Constitution and related Bylaws;
- Decisions of the Judicial Court shall be binding upon any Senator, Executive Officer, or the SGA in toto;
- The authority of a Judicial Court is superseded only by the applicable code of student conduct as determined by the Coordinator of Student Life and Development.
- Four appointed student Justices who may not currently hold an office in the Student Government Association. One of the four Justices shall be designated Chief Justice;
- ÃÛÑ¿app Student Conduct Officer or designee will serve as the fifth voting Justice;
- One faculty member who shall serve as the Judicial Court Advisor. The faculty member shall not have voting rights on the Judicial Court.
- The Judicial Court Advisor shall be appointed by the ÃÛÑ¿app Faculty Senate;
- The Justices shall be appointed by the Judicial Court Advisor;
- The Chief Justice shall be named by the Judicial Court Advisor.
A Judicial Court may be convened upon the request of:
- The ÃÛÑ¿app President;
- The Vice President of Student Services;
- The Student Life and Development Coordinator; or,
- Any elected member of the SGA General Assembly.
Meeting Agenda
Please contact SGA for information on archived meeting minutes/agendas.