To maintain SGA recognition, all Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) must complete an online RSO Recognition/Renewal Form each Fall Semester. Prior to submitting the completed RSO Recognition/Renewal form, please review the following:
All ÃÛÑ¿app RSOs must be recognized through the Student Activities and Leadership (SAL) Office. For both recognition and renewal, the RSO's officers and advisor(s) are required to complete online RSO training (through Canvas) and in-person training each academic year. These trainings will occur at the beginning of each fall semester. New RSOs and new RSO officers and advisors of existing RSOs, that are in the process of being recognized or assuming leadership roles after the fall semester trainings will complete these trainings in coordination with the SAL office.
New RSO Defined and Requirements
New RSOs are defined as RSOs that meet one of the following criteria:
- An RSO that isn't pre-existing.
- An RSO that is pre-existing but that hasn't been recognized within the past academic year.
New RSOs must create a constitution or bylaws before consideration for approval.
Approval Process
After your completed RSO Recognition/Renewal Form is reviewed and found to be complete and correct, the Student Organizations Assistant and the SAL Coordinator will approve it. A link will be sent to your officer’s @mail.tmcc.edu email and advisor’s @tmcc.edu email addresses with information on how to participate in our online RSO training through Canvas. In-person training times will be arranged by the SLD Associate and Student Organizations Assistant after all officers and advisors have successfully completed their Canvas training, or in an arranged meeting prior to taking the Canvas training.
Contact the SAL Office if you have any questions about the following procedures.
Retaining Recognition
To retain SGA recognition, all student RSOs must do the following:
- All RSO officers must be enrolled in at least three ÃÛÑ¿app credits during their Spring and Fall Semesters.
- Club members can only be current ÃÛÑ¿app students enrolled in at least one ÃÛÑ¿app credit.
- Each RSO must have an advisor with a ÃÛÑ¿app PCard (required to make RSO purchases). RSOs may have co-advisors, provided one of the advisors has a PCard.
- Hold at least one regularly scheduled meeting per month during the academic year.
- Plan and host at least one event or activity each Fall and Spring Semester.
- Submit reports as requested by the RSO Assistant, Student Life and Development (SLD) Associate and SLD Coordinator.
- Ensure the RSO officers and advisor complete RSO training each Fall Semester.
- After Training each Fall, if executive leadership changes (president and/or other officers), the new RSO leadership must email the RSO Assistant or Student Life and Development (SLD) Associate. The new RSO leadership must complete RSOÂ in-person training and training through Canvas.
- Develop and maintain an organization's constitution and/or bylaws.
- Conform to the rules, regulations, and policies outlined in ÃÛÑ¿app's Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Students.
- Abide by all SGA, ÃÛÑ¿app, and Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Policies and Procedures.
If any of the provisions of the RSO constitution or bylaws are deemed to be in conflict with the SGA Constitution, Bylaws or any of the NSHE rules, regulations and policies, the SGA Constitution and Bylaws and NSHE Rules, Regulations and Policies shall prevail.