Advisors to Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) willingly devote their talents, time, energy, and expertise to student groups at ÃÛÑ¿app. The advisor’s role is vitally important to the entire group; however, they are equally important to each individual club member’s leadership experience. In a sense, student groups are asking their advisor(s) to accept the opportunity and responsibility for helping them develop their leadership skills throughout their entire learning experience at ÃÛÑ¿app.
There are many benefits that can arise from the working relationship that exists between club members and their advisor. The development of an open and honest relationship based on communication, sincerity, professionalism, and personal approachability provides an excellent opportunity for growth and success. The advisor-advisee relationship provides for an untold number of valuable lessons for every individual involved. Students gain the positive rewards of enhanced leadership skills with the sincere knowledge that they are enriching the lives of others while adding to the rich history of ÃÛÑ¿app. Advisors have the opportunity to watch their students become excited and passionate about their co-curricular involvement, while helping to advance student life opportunities at ÃÛÑ¿app.
What is an Advisor?
In order to receive SGA recognition, student organizations must have a faculty or staff advisor who has access to a ÃÛÑ¿app Purchasing Card (PCard). Student organizations may have co-advisors, provided one of the advisors has access to a PCard. The advisor serves as a resource for student organizations by providing guidance, counsel, sharing ideas, showing support, and keeping the group aware of pertinent college and system-wide guidelines and regulations. The advisor provides significant insight on matters relating to the group.
It is the advisor who aids in maintaining the organization by providing continuity and serving as a valuable information source. In short, a good advisor strives to help nurture organizational success. The pattern of teamwork between the advisor and the group must be tailored to meet the needs of all parties involved. The voluntary relationship between an advisor and the organization should continue as long as both parties believe the relationship to be productive and mutually satisfying.
The advisor can be and is many things to the organization; however, the advisor should never simply be a name on a piece of paper, resigned to only serve as having signature authority on forms.
Benefits of Having/Being an Effective Advisor
The advisor can:
- Assist the group in meeting their mission, goals, and objectives while becoming well-versed in group events and activities.
- Provide guidance and counsel by sharing expertise, thoughts, ideas, and making recommendations as needed.
- Assist in the development of leadership skills among members.
- Provide advice on financial and administrative matters as they relate to the group.
- Help prevent any violations of college, system, local, state, or national regulations.