- Article I: Name of Chapter
- Article II: Purpose of Honor Society
- Article III: Membership Requirements and Eligibility
- Article IV: Chapter Advisor
- Article V: Officers
- Article VI: Election of Officers
- Article VII: Removal of Officers
- Article VIII: Meetings
- Article IX: Meeting Structure
- Article X: Finances
- Article XI: Travel
- Article XII: Amendments and Revisions
- Article XIII: Awards
Article I: Name of Chapter
The name of this chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be Alpha Pi Gamma. This Chapter is a part of the Nevada/California Region and a division of the Division IV Region of the International Society.
Article II: Purpose of Honor Society
The Purpose of Alpha Pi Gamma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Truckee Meadows Community College shall be the promotion of Scholarship, the development of Leadership and Service and the cultivation of Fellowship among students of this college.
Article III: Membership Requirements and Eligibility
Membership in the Alpha Pi Gamma chapter shall consist of active members, provisional members, alumni members, and honorary members.
Section 1. Requirements and Definition of Membership.
- Active Member: Shall be a student who has met the requirements for membership in Phi Theta Kappa as set forth in Article III, Section 2 of these By- Laws, and who has been duly initiated into the Honor Society maintaining standards required for active membership as defined by this chapter.
- Provisional Member: Shall be any student interested in being a member of Phi Theta Kappa but has not yet met all the requirements of membership as set forth in Article III, Section 2 of these Bylaws. These students are not eligible for the benefits as an "Active or Enhanced" member, but their participation does count toward volunteer hours merits. Provisional members may not vote or hold office. Provisional members pay the local membership fee until such time they qualify for full membership. Fees paid will be credited toward part of the chapter dues. Provisional members may be inducted during the chapter's induction ceremony for new members.
- Alumni Member: Former member of the chapter who terminated active membership in good standing and who was enrolled at least one year in a two-year college. Alumni members are eligible to join the Nevada/California Regional Alumni Association.
- Honorary Member: Shall be a person, who in the opinion of Alpha Pi Gamma chapter has rendered distinguished service to the chapter. Honorary membership shall be conferred at the discretion of the local chapter . Honorary members may not vote or hold office nor pay membership fees. Honorary members may be inducted during the chapter's induction ceremony for new members.
- Transfer Member: A member from another Phi Theta Kappa chapter may transfer membership to Alpha Pi Gamma Chapter if he or she is currently enrolled at Truckee Meadows Community College; meets the membership eligibility GPA of the chapter; pay applicable chapter dues and must have a letter from previous chapter advisor of student's good standing.
- All members, and interested parties, should have access to a copy of the Alpha Pi Gamma by laws.
Section 2. Eligibility Requirements.
- Each candidate for membership must have completed twelve (12) semester hours of 100 level or above classes at any accredited two-year college, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.4 or better (on a 4.0 scale), adhere to the school conduct code and possess recognized qualities of citizenship. Grades for courses completed at other institutions will be considered when determining eligibility.
- When a member's G.P.A. falls below 3.25, the student has one semester in which to bring the average up to 3.25. If the member's average falls below a 3.25 or is not brought back up to a 3.25 after the one semester probation, the member may have their name stricken from the local chapter, as well as the International Headquarters, of Phi Theta Kappa membership.
- Studies taken more than five (5) years ago need not be considered when determining membership eligibility. A student convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude may not be considered for membership until such time, according to the statues of the state where the crime was committed, all rights of citizenship have been restored.
Section 3. Enhanced Membership.
An enhanced member is one that demonstrates a marked interest in the activities of the Chapter by assisting with various projects throughout the year. A service log of participation is available in the Alpha Pi Gamma office to keep track of hour of service to the chapter. Only officers and Enhanced members are eligible for expense reimbursement for chapter travels.
Section 4. Term of Active Membership.
Membership is active while a student is enrolled at Truckee Meadows Community College.
Section 5. Good Standing.
A member in good standing is a member who maintains a G.P.A. of 3.25 or higher, adheres to school conduct codes, and possesses recognized qualities of good citizenship.
Section 6. Change of Residence.
Members who change their college residence shall be eligible to enroll in a new chapter of Phi Theta Kappa if they meet the standards for membership of that local chapter.
Article IV: Chapter Advisor
Section 1. The President of Truckee Meadows Community College shall appoint the chapter advisor.
Section 2. The chapter advisor shall be responsible for the guidance of chapter activities and shall act on behalf of the International Honor Society and Official College Administration.
Section 3. The Assistant Dean of Students shall oversee the completion of the annual report, membership report forms and membership profile forms required by the International Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
Section 4. The advisor(s) shall not be a voting member of the chapter.
Article V: Officers
Section 1. All officers must be enhanced members in good standing as defined in Article III, Section 3.
Section 2. The Alpha Pi Gamma chapters of Phi Theta Kappa shall have the following Executive officers and suggested committees:
Executive Board Recommended Committees
- Honors Topics
- College Project
- Hallmark Awards
- Communications and Outreach
- Service and Fellowship
- Membership and Alumni
Section 3. Duties of the President shall be as follows:
- Develop chapter goals with the help of the advisor(s) and the Executive Board.
- Preside over all BOARD meetings using Robert's Rules of Order
- Represent the organization at all times
- Appoint and establish any necessary committees/teams and serve as an ex-officio member of these committees/teams.
- Serve as chair of the committee for the Teacher of the Year Awards
- Bi-Annually preside over orientation meeting and induction ceremony
- Work with faculty advisor to reserve rooms for all on-campus functions. A faculty signature may be required to reserve rooms.
- File international and regional reports as required
- Preside over committee to submit formal entry for the Distinguished Chapter Officer Award
- Vote only in the event of a tie
- Participate in chapter functions
- The President shall have the power to appoint officer assistants as necessary.
Section 4. Duties of the Vice President of Scholarship include the following:
- Implement a scholarship program for the Chapter
- Implement one scholarship program on campus
- Implement one scholarship program in the community
- Monthly - present a brief scholarship report
- Bi-Annually - provide a scholarship information table at each new member orientation meeting and induction ceremony
- Perform the duties of the president in the event of the President's absence during the months of January, May, and September
- Coordinate with the VP of Public Relations and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles to recognize scholarships in students/faculty
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on scholarship
- Preside over the scholarship hallmark essay committee
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 5. Duties of the Vice President of Leadership include the following:
- Implement an officer election program for the Chapter
- Implement a leadership program on campus and/or within the community
- Monthly - present a brief leadership report
- Bi-Annually- provide leadership information table at each new member orientation meeting and induction ceremony
- Perform the duties of the president in the event of the President's absence during the months of February, June, and October
- When necessary, appoint a committee to review/revise the Chapter's By-laws and submits to headquarters
- Coordinate with the VP of Public Relations and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles to recognize leadership in students/faculty
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on leadership
- Preside over the leadership hallmark essay committee
- Participate in chapter functions
- Office of VP of Leadership is senior VP officer (no change in title) and shall therefore perform the necessary duties of other VPs in their absence.
Section 6. Duties of the Vice President of Service include the following:
- Implement service projects relating to the international service program
- Implement community service projects
- Implement campus service project
- Monthly - present a brief leadership report
- Bi-Annually-provide service information table at each new member orientation meeting and induction ceremony f
- Perform the duties of the president in the event of the President's absence during the months of March, July, and November
- Coordinate with the VP of Public Relations and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles to recognize service in students/faculty
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on service
- Preside over the service hallmark essay committee
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 7. Duties of the Vice President of Fellowship include the following:
- Host two fellowship events with other chapters
- Implement two chapter fellowship activities on the honors topic
- Develop a working relationship with other chapters
- Monthly- present a brief leadership report
- Perform the duties of the president in the event of the President's absence during the months of April, August, and December
- Coordinate with the VP of Public Relations and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles to recognize fellowship in students/faculty
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on fellowship
- Preside over the fellowship hallmark essay committee
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 8. Duties of the Vice President of Public Relations include the following:
- Submit press releases and radio announcements, approved by the advisor(s), to the ÃÛÑ¿app's Public Information Office
- Implement a Phi Theta Kappa awareness program on campus
- Monthly - present a brief report
- Preside over the yearbook committee to submit formal entry for the regional yearbook award and present to the ÃÛÑ¿app Library Archives.
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 9. Duties of the Secretary include the following:
- Take and make available minutes of the all meetings
- Maintain records of the business meetings
- Take roll at meetings (sign in sheet)
- Prepare agenda for board meeting on Friday before meeting and disburse to all executive board members for approval/revisions
- Keep a chronological record of all chapter functions
- Chair committee to obtain approval for posting and post all posters for chapter functions
- Duplicate materials for chapter functions
- Reserve rooms for all off-campus functions
- Assist the President with reservations for conventions
- Bi-Annually assist with registration table at each new member orientation meeting and induction ceremony
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 10. Duties of the Treasurer include the following:
- Attend budget meeting(s) and implement annual chapter budget
- Present a monthly financial and budget reports
- Be familiar with the reports prepared and maintained by Student Services
- Receive Executive Board approval for all expenditures (not already approved in the chapter's budget - if the Executive Board has approved the budget, only unbudgeted items need to get approval)
- Submit DPO Request for payment of regional and international dues
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 11. Duties of the Newsletter Director include the following:
- Preside over editing, publication, and distribution of newsletters
- Monthly - present a brief report
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 12. Duties of the Membership Director include the following:
- Bi-Annually preside over orientation mailing committee
- Bi-Annually obtain an eligible membership list and select preferred dates for Fall and Spring membership inductions.
- Monthly - present a brief membership report
- Bi-Annually - preside over registration table at new member orientation meeting and induction ceremony
- Obtain address labels for mailings as needed
- Coordinate with the Public Relations Director and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles to recognize membership in students/faculty
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on membership
- Preside over committee to submit formal entry for the Distinguished Member Award
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 13. Duties of the Fundraiser Director include the following:
- Implement fundraising projects
- Monthly - present a brief fundraising report
- Coordinate with the Public Relations Director and/or Newsletter Director and/or Webmaster to publish articles on fundraising
- Compile photos, newspaper articles, etc. on fundraising
- Preside over year-end party committee
- Participate in chapter functions
Section 14. Duties of the Alumni Director include the following:
- Maintain list of active alumni members
- Regularly contact active alumni members to solicit their participation and support for Chapter activities and projects
Section 15. Duties of the Website Director include the following:
- Continued maintenance of Alpha Pi Gamma's website, including any available upgrades or enhancements.
- Maintain email database of all Alpha Pi Gamma's members, active or otherwise.
- Maintain all links and/or advertisements on website.
- Assist when necessary, with any email correspondence and/or online activities with regard to Alpha Pi Gamma's operational and educational direction.
Article VI: Election of Officers
Section 1. All candidates for office must be an active member (defined in Article III, Section 1a) in good standing.
Section 2. Qualification to run for the president office: The candidate must have served as a chapter officer via an Enhanced Membership participation for the prior semester. All terms are for the length of one year - June 1 to May 31. A person running for president should not hold the office for more than 2 consecutive terms. If no member meets the required qualifications, together the current Board members can vote to override the 'required' qualifications.
Section 3. Elections should be held by the end of April.
Section 4. Nominations should be made by April 15. An active member may nominate himself/herself.
Section 5. A ballot vote of active members shall elect any officer. Advisor(s) and/or a non-voting party shall count the ballots.
Section 6. Election results shall be announced as soon as possible and installation of officers conducted before the end of Spring Semester.
Section 7. Newly installed officers shall exercise control in their office as of June 1 to allow the current year's president and officers to participate and be recognized in their appropriate offices during graduation.
Section 8. In any case an officer must resign his/her office, an election shall be held to elect a new officer. The floor may nominate a new officer with elections to be held at the first general membership meeting following the resignation of the officer. Majority of the votes cast will determine the new officer. The president, and/or the advisor(s), shall have the power to make a temporary appointment at his/her discretion until a meeting can be held.
Section 9. In the event a member gains election to an open office after the commencement of a term, regardless of the reason for the initial office vacancy, then that member shall be deemed to have occupied that office for the duration of the term only if the office was gained within the first 180 days of the current term.
Article VII: Removal of Officers
Section 1. If any officer fails to fulfill the duties of his/her office, she/he may be removed as follows:
- By calling a special meeting of the executive board or general membership to discuss the issue of removal.
- The officer under consideration of removal, will be provided with a written copy of the allegation by the chapter president.
- After receiving written word of the allegation(s), at least two (2) days must pass before any meeting is called to order to discuss said allegations; at which time all sides will be heard and allowed proper review, and as such the officer under consideration will have ample opportunity to refute any and all allegations.
- By obtaining a vote of three-fourths of those present.
- If the officer under consideration has been determined to be innocent of the infraction(s), then there shall be no efforts of retaliation from either the officer in question or the accusing party.
Article VIII: Meetings
Section 1. General Membership Meetings: A general membership meeting consists of any non-business meeting or event hosted or attended by PTK members in which advisors and members discuss chapter business and items of interest from PTK's electronic communications, website, and publications. The chapter should host at least one general membership meeting per month during the academic year.
Section 2. Executive Board Meetings: The chapter shall hold an executive board meeting monthly during the academic year at a time and place to be determined at the beginning of each academic semester. Necessary changes to established meeting times and places should be announced as soon as possible using all available media within reason. All members are encouraged to attend. Officers are strongly encouraged to attend ALL Executive Board meetings.
Article IX: Meeting Structure
Section 1. All Executive Board Meetings will follow the general agenda:
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Reading of the minutes
- Treasurer's Report
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Announcements
- Adjourn
Section 2. A quorum of one member over half of the elected or appointed officers (excluding Assistants) must be present before any Executive Board Meeting can be called to order.
Section 3. All Executive Board Meetings shall be governed by an adoption of Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 4. Special committee meetings shall be called by the chairman of said committee. Procedures at such meetings are left to the discretion of the chairman. Reports of each meeting shall be given to the members at the following chapter meeting.
Article X: Finances
Section 1. A majority vote by the members present at Executive Board Meetings will determine the criteria for the raising and distribution of chapter funds.
Section 2. Payment of International, Regional and Local Induction fees must be received by the chapter treasurer before members can be inducted.
- Schedule of Fees* (subject to change)
- International Induction Fee $40.00
- Regional Induction Fee $5.00
- Local Chapter Annual Fee $35.00
- Total $80.00
Section 3. Original invoice, along with supporting materials, are required for Reimbursement. ALL expenditures requested must be submitted through Student Services for DPO - Department Purchase Order. Failure to do so may lead to student/advisors becoming responsible for purchase expenses. Additionally, all reimbursements for out of town travel or out of pocket MUST be submitted within 10 days after the event or expenses may not be reimbursed. All expense receipts and documentation must be submitted to the treasurer or designated office within 2 business days.
Section 4. Financial records of the chapter shall be regularly reviewed by the Chapter Advisor(s).
Article XI: Travel
Section 1. All enhanced members are eligible to travel to Regional and International Conferences.
- A chapter travel request form must be completed by members interested in attending an out-ofÂ-town event or activity at least IO business days prior to the trip. The travel request form is to be submitted to Student Services and must be submitted individually by all persons planning to attend.
- If the chapter has prepaid any expenses for a member expressing interest to travel, the same member is responsible for repaying the chapter for any funds that have been committed for any prepaid expenses if the same person does not attend the intended conference and cannot find another member to take their place
- If repayment of expenses are necessary, the member is requested to appear at the next scheduled Executive Board meeting to discuss and agree on a repayment schedule of the monies owed the chapter. A majority vote of the board will be taken to confirm the agreement with the member person needing to repay any monies owed to the chapter.
- If the member person does not adhere to the above, the person's name and details of the prepaid expenses incurred for this person will be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records of ÃÛÑ¿app for action by the college.
- Any person representing the chapter at a regional or international conference must submit original receipts for any hotel, taxi, plane or conference expenses to the chapter treasurer.
- Any person representing the chapter at a regional or international conference will use the Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 281 and the regulations of ÃÛÑ¿app as an expense guideline.
- Students attending an out of town function MUST stay in the designated hotel/location of the event or a hotel that has been agreed upon by the Executive Board.
- Students or advisors representing the chapter at a regional or international conference must attend or have a representative at all meetings. If they do not attend ALL meetings they may jeopardize their rights to be "fully paid" or reimbursed for future regional or international events. Students attending conventions must, at the next scheduled meeting, present a report of each meeting/seminar attended.
Article XII: Amendments and Revisions
Section 1. The By-Laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been presented at a previous meeting. Any changes to the By-Laws must be sent to International Headquarters for final approval.
Article XIII: Awards
Section 1. Disbursement of Awards.
In the event, a member of the chapter receives a scholarship to the International Honors Institute, she/he may use the award at his/her discretion. If said member donates the scholarship to the chapter, the Chapter President along with the Advisor(s), will determine the use of the scholarship.