News, opinions and meeting coverage in pediatrics.
Latest in Pediatrics
He will still benefit in other ways from his anti-vaccine advocacy
Findings represent "a hopeful message that early intervention truly matters," researcher says
Population-based study found no higher risk than with another asthma and allergy medication class
Treatment failure rate at 1 year reached 34% with antibiotics versus 7% with appendectomy
Population-based study found no higher risk than with another asthma and allergy medication class
Treatment failure rate at 1 year reached 34% with antibiotics versus 7% with appendectomy
Pediatrics Case Studies
Mycoplasma pneumonia identified as the culprit in this case of RIME
Histopathological test results were central to ultimate diagnosis
Case shows confluence of hormone therapy cost and limited resources in developing areas
More in Pediatrics
VA researchers found lower risks for 42 diverse outcomes and increased risks for 19 others
Many states have recently reported an increase in people opting out of vaccines for their kids
Researchers speculate that impaired nutritional status could account for preclinical loss in BMI
25 drugs chosen so far comprise about a third of Medicare Part D spending on prescription drugs
Agency also issues final rule for 6-month buprenorphine prescriptions issued over the phone
Global commission makes the case to move beyond BMI, incorporate other measures of body fat
About 30% of adolescents and young adults with cancer who wanted to die at home did not do so
The topic of UPF regulation may be just as irresistible as the foods it targets