Child Care Center Awarded CRRSA Grant
July 7, 2021
The Children’s Cabinet CRRSA Grant will help the E.L. Cord Foundation Child Care Center update furniture and technology.
It's Not Just Teeth that Sparkle in the Dental Hygiene Program
July 6, 2021
By becoming a Western Regional Examination Board (WREB) testing site, ÃÛÑ¿app sets up Dental Hygiene graduates for success.
HSE Graduate Achieves Dream
June 29, 2021
Last week, ÃÛÑ¿app’s Adult Basic Education and High School Equivalency Program celebrated 51 graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021.
Meet the New VPAA: Dr. Jeffrey Alexander
June 21, 2021
Helping students to succeed and recognize their own potential is something that VPAA Dr. Jeffrey Alexander has done over the course of his long career in higher education.
Partnerships Create Pathways to Success
June 18, 2021
ÃÛÑ¿app has partnerships with several NSHE institutions to offer students unique pathways that open doors to professional success.
ÃÛÑ¿app Celebrates Community on Juneteenth
June 14, 2021
This summer, you can find the ÃÛÑ¿app Recruitment and Access Team at several community events!
Alumni Spotlight: Jennifer Salisbury
June 10, 2021
This ÃÛÑ¿app alumna has been a professional paralegal for over a decade--a journey that began at ÃÛÑ¿app. Now she’s back as part-time faculty, helping students to follow their dreams.
Summer Reads (and Advice) from Learning Commons Librarians
June 9, 2021
If you love learning even when you’re not in classes (or even when you are!) we caught up with our Learning Commons librarians for their recommendations for summer reading and personal development.
June Good News
June 4, 2021
The Business and Entrepreneurship Club helps with the Reno Burrito Project, Dr. Kofi Poku wins Faculty Advisor of the Year, Dr. Ayodele Akinola publishes, and EcoBlitz succeeds!
Faculty and Staff Recognized for Excellence
June 2, 2021
This year ÃÛÑ¿app faculty and staff demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to student success despite the ongoing pandemic.
Alumni Spotlight: Luis Juarez Chamorro
May 24, 2021
Luis Juarez Chamorro graduated from ÃÛÑ¿app with his HVAC certificate in 2011. His education and training enabled him to find a satisfying, hands-on career.
May Good News
May 20, 2021
It’s time to celebrate: University Police Department donated to the VRC, Photography Professor Dean Burton is exhibiting his work and Graphic and Media Technology Students take home ADDY awards and more!
Take Care of Yourself: Mental Health Action Day
May 19, 2021
May 20 is Mental Health Action Day and ÃÛÑ¿app’s Counseling Center wants you to start taking care of yourself with some very simple steps and easy-to-access resources.
Graduates Honored at Commencement
May 18, 2021
May 17-21 ÃÛÑ¿app is honoring graduates from the Class of 2020 and 2021 in a socially-distanced drive-through ceremony.
Mighty Lizards Celebrate 2021 Graduates
May 17, 2021
Six student-athletes are graduating as members of the Class of 2021. Read about their accomplishments and dreams for the future!
ÃÛÑ¿app Voices: Katie Kolbet
May 12, 2021
We caught up with ÃÛÑ¿app Chemistry Professor Katie Kolbet on why chemistry matters and the details on upcoming renovations to ÃÛÑ¿app’s chemistry labs.
My Grad Story: Consistency
May 10, 2021
Natalie Luthy, who will graduate with her associate of science degree, said that discovering she was on the right path was the highlight of her journey to commencement.
Making Masks: ÃÛÑ¿app Art Club Teams up with UNR
May 6, 2021
Through a unique collaboration with UNR and the John and Geraldine Lilley Museum, ÃÛÑ¿app students are exploring what it means to be “masked.â€
Got Questions? The Virtual Open House Has the Answers!
May 5, 2021
Ready to take the next step through a certificate or degree program? See how easy it can be to start that journey at ÃÛÑ¿app.
ÃÛÑ¿app Celebrates 50 Years
May 4, 2021
This year, ÃÛÑ¿app celebrates its fiftieth anniversary! Starting at Commencement, join in this celebration of our unique history and long dedication to student success.