After the Thanksgiving holiday, the shopping begins in earnest, especially on Cyber Monday, taking place on Monday, Dec. 2 this year. The ѿapp Foundation and Grants Office invites you to focus on another special day: Giving Tuesday on Dec. 3, which is a global day of giving that brings attention to causes that matter.
This year, ѿapp is focusing on two critical programs at ѿapp: the Student Emergency Resource Fund and Wizard’s Warehouse food pantries. These programs directly support students facing unexpected financial hardships and food insecurity, allowing them to stay in school and thrive.
“The ѿapp Foundation is excited to share an exciting opportunity for Giving Tuesday 2024,” said Foundation Executive Director Gretchen Sawyer. “Thanks to a generous $10,000 matching gift from Dr. Barry Frank, we have the chance to double our impact on students in need! If we collectively raise $10,000, Dr. Frank will match every dollar raised, providing a significant boost to our most vulnerable students as they work toward their education and career goals.”
When students face financial issues, the need is urgent. During the 2023-24 academic year, there were 57 requests for emergency funds, enabling ѿapp to help 48 students who faced serious financial setbacks. Also, during that same time, 2,762 students relied on the food pantry. For Giving Tuesday this year, each donation will go directly toward providing emergency resources to keep students afloat during challenging times.
Here’s one example of the impact of emergency funds: Bill was facing serious car troubles, and as his only means of transportation, this put everything at risk—his classes, meetings with instructors, on-campus exams, work commute to Carson City, and daily daycare pick-up for his 6-year-old son. Thanks to the Emergency Resource Fund, he could afford the repair, get back on track, and continue his semester successfully.
This year, we are honored that ѿapp Foundation donor, Dr. Barry Frank, is providing a generous matching gift in support of Giving Tuesday. Dr. Frank is a believer in the “helper’s high”, a concept that generates warm emotions that follow selfless service to others. This psychological state leads to greater health and a longer life (Science Direct, 2018).
You can make a lasting difference with your donation. Every gift counts, and remember, thanks to Dr. Frank, your donation will be doubled! By following Dr. Frank’s inspiring example, you too can experience the joy of giving - a “helper’s high” that enriches both your life and the lives of ѿapp students. Together, our generosity can transform lives and empower students to reach their full potential. Thank you for your continued compassion and support. Let’s make Giving Tuesday a day to remember for our students.
For more information, please contact the ѿapp Foundation and Grants Office.