The Spring 2021 semester has gotten off to a snowy start! Since we’re once again starting a semester when the majority of classes are offered remotely, we put together this handy guide of to-dos for the first two weeks of classes. While it might be tempting to settle in at home for your first Zoom session, these suggestions will make sure you’re not only ready to succeed this semester, but that you remain connected to our campus community at ѿapp!
Know How Canvas Works
If this is your first semester, or it’s been a while, you should log in to your Canvas account first thing. That way, you can discover if you need to reach out to our WebCollege department to reset your password, or troubleshoot any other issues you might be having. If you’ve never used before, it might be a good idea to explore the application before you need to submit assignments or essays through this online platform. You can even check out for extra support.
If you have trouble remembering your user name or password, contact ѿapp's IT Department at 775-674-7576. They will have staff on-call and available until 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 25–Thursday, Jan. 28.
Buy Books and Supplies
The ѿapp Bookstore, located on the Dandini Campus, will offer both in-person appointment hours and curbside pick-up hours for the first week of the semester. Their schedule should allow you the option to pick your preferred shopping method.
- In-store appointments are happening from Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
- Hours for curbside pickup are 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Thursday and 9 a.m.–3 p.m. on Friday.
For more information, .
Get Some Free ѿapp Swag
Are you a ѿapp Lizard and proud of it? Thanks to the Student Government Association, kick off this semester with a fantastic ѿapp tote bag filled with fun and helpful items which include ѿapp branded masks, hand sanitizer, other swag items, school supplies like notebooks and pens, a list of SGA events coming up this semester and ѿapp/community resource information.
Pick-up your tote at one of the Welcome Week Drive Up/Walk Up events at the North Library Entrance on the Dandini Campus starting Monday, Feb. 2. Wizard’s Warehouse will also be there handing out non-perishable food items and toiletries.
Check the events calendar for more details.
Get to Know Your SGA
If you’re asking yourself: “what does the SGA stand for?” (Pssst... it stands for Student Government Association!) You might want to add the “SGA Open House Event” into your virtual calendar.
The event, which happens on Zoom both on Wednesday, Jan. 27 and Thursday, Jan. 28, will provide you with an opportunity to meet your SGA officers, find out how you can run for office, and more information about getting involved at ѿapp.
Check the events calendar for more details.
Audition and Land a Part in a Play
Are you into music, dancing, acting and performance art? Don’t miss out on this semester’s musical theater production of Godspell. ѿapp Performing Arts is holding auditions via Zoom for actors, singers and dancers of all experiences and backgrounds. Auditions will be held in 20-minute Zoom sessions Jan. 28-29.
Interested? Prepare a 1-minute comedic monologue and 16 bars of a song from musical theater. You’ll need to register for your 20-minute audition session. If cast, performances will be April 23–25.
Forgot a Class?
If you realize you have more time than you thought you did, don’t worry! You have until Saturday, Jan. 30 to add all the classes you want for the spring semester.
Don't forget: ѿapp also has late start classes if you'd like to wait little before adding another class to your schedule. Just remember: starting a little late is better than not starting at all.
Get Ready for a Great Semester
Once you've gotten familiar with Canvas, ironed out all your technology issues, purchased all your books and supplies, and met your SGA officers (and maybe attended an audition), you're all set to have a successful semester at ѿapp.