Are you excited about English or History? Do you like explaining what you know to others? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you should consider pursuing a degree—and a career path—in secondary education. And, before you say “no way!”  read through the research we gathered on why this could be the perfect career for you.
According to the most recent Nevada Teacher Workforce Report, if you’re looking for a guaranteed career path, look no further than a high school classroom. For years, there has been a growing shortage of teachers in the United States, and particularly, in Nevada.  If you’ve been considering a career as an educator, there are many perks to entering middle or high school classroom in one of Nevada’s 16 counties where—no matter what subject in which you choose to specialize—you’re pretty much guaranteed a job.
ĂŰŃżapp is doing its part to help you get into a classroom quicker by updating its Secondary Education program. Depending on what NSHE institution you plan to transfer to complete your bachelor’s degree and licensure requirements, ĂŰŃżapp offers specializations in English and History that align with the degree requirements at both UNR and Nevada State College. In other words, you won’t have to take a class that won’t count toward your degree. These changes will be available in the Fall of 2020.
If you need more convincing, however, we’ve compiled some statistics and practical advice into five reasons why this is the perfect time for you to become a secondary education teacher in Nevada:
- You get to become an expert in a subject you love.  Unlike elementary school teachers, high school teachers pick a subject and stick to it. Love literature? Teaching at a middle or high school will enable you to share your favorite poetry, fiction and nonfiction works with students for years into the future. Or, do you love history? Relive your favorite battles, centuries or fashion faux-pas along with your students. After all, they say one of the best ways to learn—and to master—a topic is to teach it.  Listening to young minds grapple with the meaning of a poem or the ramifications of the 100-Years War may make you see that familiar topic in a new light.  You’re also getting paid to (basically) share your excitement and enthusiasm for a particular subject with young adults. How many other careers enable you to do that?
- The hours are reasonable and you get vacation time. Unlike most desk jobs where you’re required to be at work from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. regardless of the time of year or weather, teaching guarantees you won’t work weekends or holidays, and you will receive vacations throughout the year. This is fantastic news if you are planning to have or already have children—it’s very likely that your work schedule will closely align with their school schedule. You will also have weeks (not days) off during the summer and around the holidays, which is a perk seldom offered in other professions.
- There’s tons of opportunities for jobs...and job security. Student enrollment in  Nevada continues to grow (since 2011, the state has experienced an approximate 10.6% increase in overall population growth.) This substantial growth has yielded a 13.2% increase in Nevada’s student enrollment population. If this trend continues, there will certainly continue to be a demand for more teachers.
- You have your choice of living basically wherever you want. Teachers are needed all over the state of Nevada. So, while Clark County represents the greatest number of teacher vacancies, Nevada’s smaller communities are also in need of teachers. For example, did you know the three highest vacancy proportions by county are Esmeralda County (31.38%), Storey County (23.69%) and Mineral County (21.64%)? If living in a small community is your dream, teaching may enable you to make that dream a reality. But even if you want to stay in Washoe County, there is plenty of need at schools right here in our community.
- You can change the world. We know you’ve heard this before, and maybe you even have your own story about how a teacher changed your life in a positive way by believing in you or pushing you to be your very best. By working in secondary education, you not only have the opportunity to share your love of a particular subject but to impact the lives of future generations. And, who knows? Your student could be the next great writer or historian who also contributes to making the world a better place.Â
If you’re ready to learn more about ĂŰŃżapp’s new pathway through Secondary Education degrees with an emphasis in English and History, stop by the Academic Advising office for more information and advice.
“Depending on where they will want to transfer to complete their degree and licensure requirements—to NSC or UNR—will determine the best courses for the student to take,” said Academic Advisor Jennifer Pierce. “For all students interested in secondary education, I would recommend taking EDU 202 as early as possible to explore teaching as a career and to determine if it’s a good fit.”Â
The new secondary education specialized pathways in English and History will be available in the Fall Semester of 2020.
For more information about studying Education at ĂŰŃżapp, contact the Business and Social Sciences Division at 775-673-7185.