We know the Fall Semester just began, but as the saying goes, it’s never too early to start thinking about graduation. We’ve been planning for the class of 2020 for years (commencement is literally going to happen on May 20, and no, that’s not by accident), and so we think you should start planning for that special day, too.Ěý
We don’t mean planning your outfit (although that doesn’t hurt)—but getting your classes (not your ducks, unless you’re a Veterinary Nursing student) in a row so that you’re all set to go for the ceremony next May. We think you should get started now because, as easy as some of these tips seem, you might have some work to do in order to fulfill the requirements to graduate.Ěý
So, in order, here are our top three steps for you to take to make sure you’re 100% on track to graduate next spring.Ěý
- Focus on your classes and doing your best this semester. Nothing spoils graduation plans like unexpectedly failing a class. Be sure to read the syllabus and to plan ahead for assignments throughout the semester. If you need extra help, contact your instructor or go to the Tutoring and Learning Center. Most importantly, believe in yourself, even when the semester gets tough. You’ve got this!Ěý
- Meet with an Academic Advisor for a graduation check before Spring Registration begins in November. In the final semester, make sure every class you take counts toward graduation. An Academic Advisor can help you ensure that you’re enrolling in the last courses needed for your degree.Ěý
- Complete your application for Graduation on the Admissions website before April 1. Here’s the weird thing about graduating when you’re in college: it doesn’t happen automatically. Even if you have taken all the required courses for your degree program, that doesn’t mean you can participate in commencement. Instead, you have to apply to graduate...Ěýand you have to do it before April 1.Ěý
Oh...Ěýand one final tip: If you’re three credits short...Ěýthat’s OK. It’s great to be late! We bet you never thought you’d hear a college say “it’s great to be late!” But, in the case of our late start classes, we think starting classes a little later in the Fall can be a fantastic idea. Maybe you went to Burning Man, or maybe the timing of the traditional semester didn’t align with your other obligations (your family or your career.) No need to put your academic and professional dreams on hold: at ĂŰŃżapp, our late start classes have got you covered.
But, how can I start later than other students and we all finish at the same time?Ěý
That’s a great question because college classes, like all matter in the universe, abides by the conservation of mass, which means you can’t create or destroy matter, you can only change its form. So, just because a class starts later than regular Fall Semester classes, it still contains the same amount of material—it’s just packaged more densely (which means that you’ll probably have more homework and assignments than regularly paced courses).
Can I register for a late start class if I’m already taking classes?Ěý
Absolutely! Whether you’re a part-time or full-time student, you can always add another class. Just keep in mind that late start classes will take more effort and focus than a regular class because it’s offered within a condensed time frame, which translates to longer class time, more homework and other out-of-class assignments.Ěý
How can I fit another class into my already busy schedule?Ěý
We thought you’d never ask! Although scheduling varies from class to class, many of our late start classes are designed for the busy student (and busy person) in mind! Some classes are offered as online courses—this means you will interact with your instructor and classmates through the WebCollege/Canvas. Although there will still be assignments and precise due dates (as there are in any class) the day-to-day work can be self-paced, allowing you to tackle it when your schedule allows. Other classes utilize a hybrid structure or meet on Saturdays. When registering for a late start class, always check to make sure the class structure (online, hybrid or in-person), as well as the day/time, will work for you.Ěý
There are 166 Late Start Courses available; most begin in October and finish at the same time as regular Fall Semester classes. Course offerings include the following subjects (and more!):Ěý
- Refrigeration
- Bookkeeping and Accounting
- Anthropology
- Art, Ceramics, Printmaking
- Automotive/Diesel
- Biology, Microbiology
- Business
- Core Humanities
- Communications
- Math
- Culinary
- Early Childhood Education
- English
- EMS, Paramedic, and Firefighter
- Human Development
- History
- Massage
- Marketing
- Legal Careers, Research, and Writing
So, what are you waiting for?! Don’t be late for ĂŰŃżapp’s Late Start Classes: register now at MyĂŰŃżapp.
If you’re curious about a late start class and you want to make sure it’s the right fit for you, contact ĂŰŃżapp’s Academic Advising Department at 775-673-7062.