ѿapp Graphic Communications student Taylor Ronnow designed the new SGA Logo.
The new logo for ѿapp’s Student Government Association works on several levels, incorporating key elements of design to convey ideas of togetherness and unity that embody the SGA mission of promoting and advocating for students so they can achieve a quality learning experience the College. “I wanted to include a more local feel to it, so I added the shape of the State of Nevada,” said the logo’s designer, ѿapp student Taylor Ronnow. She will receive her Associate degree this semester—and is continuing with the new Bachelor’s program in Graphic Communications.
The logo contest was presented in the Graphic Communications 153 (Commercial Printing Processes) class, taught by Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair Ron Marston, at the start of the spring semester. “I was happy to work with the SGA for a student-driven contest to design their logo,” said Marston. “It's a great ‘real world’ opportunity for students in the Graphic Arts & Media Technology program, and benefits SGA as well.”
The students were tasked with creating at least two design concepts, which resulted in 49 submissions. Ronnow’s winning logo design was not easily conceived; after the contest was announced, she spent several nights drawing thumbnail sketches in her field-book looking for a design that spoke to her. “I couldn’t figure out what would work—what could combine the personalized symbol with something with a community and local feel,” she said.
The end result was well worth the wait: the state of Nevada contains three flowing shapes suggestive of people that spiral from a central point. The inclusion of something personified in the logo is appropriate for an organization like the SGA, but it isn’t obvious: oftentimes, it takes a second glance to get the full effect of Ronnow’s work. “Taylor Ronnow's winning design exemplifies good logo design,” said Marston. “She's a talented student and a joy to have in the classroom.”
Creating logos is a relatively newfound passion for Ronnow, who has only been in Graphic Communications for the past two semesters. “Logos are just symbols,” she said. “It’s hard to create something that means both nothing and everything, but that’s what a logo is.” Ronnow envisions herself pursuing a career in Marketing, developing logos to brand companies. “I have a strength in it, and I tend to enjoy it,” she said.
Ronnow didn’t always know that logo design—and Graphic Communications—was where her passion resided. When she first started her undergraduate degree several years ago, she was a Computer Science major. “It was the opposite of art—or art on computers.” Her discovery of her true passion happened by chance. “I took a break and worked for a few years,” she said. When she returned to ѿapp, her passion for her education was reignited.
For students still searching for their lifelong passion, she advises: “Try new things and don’t be afraid to listen to your gut. If you are doing something you don’t like, you can always change. But, if you try new things, you might find the one thing you’re talented in,” she said.
Ronnow’s SGA logo will become the official SGA logo next Fall.