The second week in October is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating campus children’s centers nationwide, and this week we celebrate the ѿapp E.L. Cord Foundation Child Care Center on the Dandini Campus.
“We are proud and honored to be a part of our children’s futures,” said Diane Nicolet, Director of the Child Care Center. “We have a supportive team who understands the powerful impact the early years have on a young child’s development. We strive to provide the best care and early education to every child.”
ѿapp’s Child Care Center is accredited by the National Accreditation Commission (NAC).
Monday through Friday, the Center provides high-quality care for children ages ranging from 6-weeks to 5-years-old. The Center goals are to foster the development of the whole child. The curriculum focuses on the creative, emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of each individual.
All teachers at the Center are licensed by Nevada Child Care Licensing, and comply with NAC teacher and administrator qualifications. All employees, who are not student workers, hold degrees ranging from Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education to PhD in Educational Leadership, and everything else in between.
The Center is located on the Dandini Campus and serves students in field experience and practicum activities. The Center also collaborates with other college disciplines to meet students’ needs for course credit requirements.
“We employ approximately 25 to 35 student employees, with a 90% graduation rate,” Nicolet said. “Since we’re on campus, it’s very convenient for the students, and it’s a great opportunity to get real-life experience working in the early childhood education and development field.”
The Child Care Center is open Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–6 p.m. and serves students, faculty, staff and the community.
Parents, families and community members can participate in celebrating children’s centers on campus this week, and every week, by contributing time, energy, ideas or funds that will support the Center.
To learn more about how you can help or for more information, please visit ѿapp’s Child Care Center online, or call 775-674-7515.