are now available at ѿapp! Whether you missed the deadline to register for Fall Semester classes, you don’t want to wait for Winter or Spring Semesters, or you want to take on a few more credits to fill up your Fall schedule, Late Start classes can help meet your needs.
Late Start classes are a condensed version of a regular course, meant to help streamline an area of study so that students can complete a class in a shorter length of time. The classes are conveniently scheduled to meet the needs of students, with many sections offered in the evenings or once-a-week. There are also a handful of online courses available.
Natalie Brown, who is the Director of Academic Advisement at ѿapp, sees Late Start classes as another resource to help students excel at ѿapp.
“Some students may wish to tackle one more class during the semester and this is a good way to add a class,” Brown said. “We also have students who were not able to start classes at the start of the regular semester, so Late Start options are a great way for students to get started at ѿapp before waiting for the next full semester to begin.”
Students who are considering enrollment in a Late Start course should be aware that it does take hard work and focus, just like any other class offered at ѿapp. Students will have the same number of hours of instruction, it will just be in a shorter time frame, so it’s important for a student to consider not just time spent in class, but also be prepared for homework and other out-of-class assignments that would be given.
There are 157 Late Start courses offered this semester. Late Start classes, for the most part, run October or November through December when regular Fall Semester classes wrap up. Some exceptions apply, please see the course catalog for full details. Classes offered for Late Start include the following subjects and more:
- Basic Refrigeration Servicing
- Financial and Managerial Accounting
- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- Automotive courses
- Human Anatomy and Physiology and General Microbiology
- Into to Business, Business Letters and Reports, and Intro to Retailing
- Core Humanities courses
- Legal Writing and Legal Research and Methods
- Culinary courses
- Diesel Technology courses
- Math 95, 96, 120, 126, and 127
- English 101 and 102
- Introduction to Families and Diversity in Children
- Massage Therapy courses
- Zumba
- Political Science 101
- Real Estate Law and Practice
- Skill Center Mathematics
- Sociology 101
- Intro to Women’s Studies
To view a complete list of available Late Start classes, or to register for a Late Start class, log in to or view the . Students must pay tuition and fees within 48 hours after enrollment. Students enrolling in Late Start courses must meet the class prerequisites (check the online searchable class schedule for any required prerequisites).
If you haven't applied for admission to ѿapp yet, go to
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