J. Kyle Dalpe, PhD, Dean of Technical Sciences
J. Kyle Dalpe, PhD, Dean of Technical Sciences at Truckee Meadows Community College, has been elected to the board of directors of the National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE).
“I’m excited to serve on the NCWE board to support and advocate for workforce education—it’s a position where I can help to make a difference in career programs already in place and those being developed across the country,” he said.
Elected members and their contact information are listed
“Serving on the NCWE Board will assist and guide the development of high quality educational programs nationwide and bring visibility to all the good things we are doing at ѿapp to produce a pipeline of trained talent to emerging careers,” he added.
Dalpe has worked at ѿapp for 15 years in a variety of leadership positions supporting the community college mission and its students. In his current role, he works to develop programs to meet industry needs for a trained workforce. He is a leader in workforce education at the local, state and federal levels, providing information and advocacy to gather support for training programs that meet community and business needs.
Workforce Education Includes Technical Programs
As Dean of Technical Sciences at ѿapp, Dalpe currently oversees the applied technology programs at the college—robotics, advanced manufacturing, welding, machining, air conditioning, unmanned aerial systems, drafting, construction management, architecture, diesel and automotive—as well as computer information technology, criminal justice and law programs.
He regularly works with major companies in Northern Nevada to develop training options to meet the needs of the region’s employers.
In addition, Dalpe helped initiate and implement a $25 million fundraising campaign to support college initiatives, including a major renovation of the ѿapp William N. Pennington Applied Technology Center.
About NCWE
is one of the member organizations—affiliate councils—of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC).
“NCWE provides a national forum for administrators and faculty in workforce education and basic skills, as well as representatives of business, labor, military, and government, to affect and direct the future role of two-year and other post-secondary institutions in workforce education and economic development,” according to the NCWE website.
It offers research and information to post-secondary schools about current and future workforce trends and government policies.
For more information about Technical Science programs at ѿapp, please visit the Applied Technologies website, or call 775-856-5300.