In the Fall, a total of 99 employers tabled in the fairs; 66 at the Dandini Campus, and 33 at the Technical Careers Job Fair.
“When students come to the Job Fair, they are much more likely to get hired than they’d think,” said Kelley Wong, Career Center Coordinator. “The employers are very eager to meet them.”
Large job fairs have been held each semester at Truckee Meadows Community College continually since Fall Semester 2011. Students and alumni are invited to the 2018 Spring Job Fair taking place on April 4 at the Dandini Campus, and to workshops leading up to the Fair. There are also two additional specialty job fairs; the Technical Careers Job Fair and the Veterans Job and Resource Fair.
“Alumni are welcome, we’re always glad when alumni can attend our events,” Wong added.
Fairs during the Spring Semester include the following:
- Spring Job Fair: on Wednesday, April 4, Dandini Campus, Student Center
- Technical Careers Job Fair: on Wednesday, April 18, PATC, 475 Edison Way
- Veterans Job and Resource Fair: on Friday, April 20, 10 a.m.–1 p.m., Dandini Campus
The Spring Job Fair on April 4 is the largest event, and includes a pre-fair chance to network with employer representatives early in the day:
- Networking Breakfast, 9–10 a.m., Red Mountain Building, room 115
“There are different job position types available at the fairs; seasonal jobs during the summer which work really well for students who want to concentrate on school during the school year, while some jobs are part-time and good because employers are flexible to work with students’ class schedules,” Wong said.
Many companies have multiple job opportunities.
“Employers are looking for students who are about to graduate, to fill full-time positions,” Wong said.
She said mature job applicants should not be discouraged.
“With older students or alumni who want to try something new, they come with a diverse set of skills, a fleshed-out resume, and an interview that shows what they’re able to bring to the company,” Wong said.
New Companies to the Job Fair
Several new companies are participating in one or more of the job fairs this year:
- Open Loop Energy, Inc.
- Coppercreek Camp
- Jacksons Food Stores
Spring Workshops are Offered
Career Center workshops leading up to the Spring Job Fair may offer students and alumni the chance to bolster personal branding skills and confidence.
“The interview session is especially valuable because some employers like to interview right there at the Job Fair,” Wong added. “Typically we have a space set aside next to the Fair to conduct interviews.”
April workshops will take place in the Career Center, RDMT 115 unless otherwise indicated:
- Create a Business Card and Learn How to Network: Thursday, March 29, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
- Veterans LinkedIn Workshop: Monday, April 2, 10:30 a.m.–Noon
- Resume Workshop: Tuesday, April 3, 10–11:30 a.m.
- Career Exploration Workshop: Wednesday, April 11, 10 a.m.–Noon, in Sierra Building, room 103
- Interview Workshop: Thursday, April 12, 2:30–4 p.m.
More workshops are listed on the Career Center calendar.
Interesting Historical Facts
Prior to 1980, there is an article in the student newspaper, Western Echo, about a new Job Placement Service. The Oct. 1, 1977 college news story covers Job Placement Specialist Helen Mulder and new individualized support for students to find part- and full-time employment. Job opportunities start to be announced on three bulletin boards.
“The first mention of job fairs in the student newspapers was from April 16, 1980, shortly after ѿapp was established as its own institution, and there have been several other articles written about job fairs on campus throughout the years,” said Cameron Carr, Library Technician and College Archivist.
Since 2011, College-wide job events have traditionally taken place in the Spring and Fall Semesters, with about 300 students typically attending the main Fair on the Dandini Campus.
In the Fall, a total of 99 employers participated in the fairs; 66 at the Dandini Campus, and 33 at the Technical Careers Job Fair.
“Employers are saying ‘We want good people, on their schedule, and we care about their personal career goals,’” Wong said.
For more information about employment events or Career Center workshops at ѿapp, please contact Kelley Wong at 775-674-7645.