Professor Brian Ruf, students and alumni contribute time and CAD-generated design plans to Little Free Libraries. Pictured is a Library on the Truckee River Bike Path that inspired Ruf.
Little Free Libraries and Brian Ruf
Drafting Professor Brian Ruf has volunteered work that may be seen in many different places around Nevada as Little Free Libraries.
This Truckee Meadows Community College staff member was approached by United Way to help with the design and drawings for some of the mailbox-size libraries that are distributed in public locations for neighborhoods to access. A ѿapp alumnus, Peter Burge, has mapped the Little Free Libraries distributed across the state.
Professor Ruf brainstorms unique designs for his library ideas and then draws out the plans on Computer-Aided Design (CAD). He has built three of a recent group of 30 units, and a local cabinet maker constructed the rest. Keaton Kiraly, an advanced drafting student, now alumnus, also designed and built one of the libraries.
NV Energy donated the delivery of mailbox libraries to individuals around the state who have volunteered to sponsor, or be stewards for a unit.
“The upkeep is by the sponsor—they maintain the books there, keep them neat and manage the library in front of their house or business,” Ruf said. “They may also be located at a trail, such as the Steamboat Ditch Trail by Caughlin Ranch.”
The Little Free Library project has been so successful that Ruf may use this project idea with future CAD 245: Solid Modeling classes or for independent study section work. More about the Little Free Library movement may be found at .
YeVonne Allen Appointed to City of Reno Civil Service Commission
Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability Office Specialist YeVonne Allen has been appointed in August to the City of Reno Civil Service Commission (CSC). Citizens who would like to serve on the Commission submit an application and resume. Reno’s Mayor appoints a candidate from the applicants, and Reno City Council confirms the selection.
Reno City “Council unanimously confirmed the Mayor’s appointment of YeVonne Allen to the Civil Service Commission,” according to the Reno City Council Highlights, Aug. 24.
“I truly believe that institutional equity is fostered by systematic inclusion,” Allen said. “I love the City of Reno and now I’ll be able to use my skills to help the community.”
The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is a group of seven Reno citizens who serve a five-year term. It is an independent, self-governing body that works to make sure there is fairness in all aspects of the selection and retention process of City of Reno employees. They do not create positions or make hiring decisions, but help to build equity into the hiring process.
“(The CSC is) responsible for the process through which people acquire and hold jobs within the civil service,” according to a City of Reno CSC PowerPoint.
The CSC also provides an independent review panel for employee appeals. More information about the CSC can be found on the .
Allen also serves as the ѿapp SGA Compass Club staff advisor, volunteers at OUR Center, Northern Nevada Pride and the Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (NYEP). In addition, she volunteers for the annual Homeless Youth Count sponsored by OUR Center and NYEP.
Dental Hygiene Program is Reaccredited
ղѰ’s Dental Hygiene Program has recently been fully reaccredited for the next seven years by the .
CODA accredits programs in one of two levels: as “approval without reporting requirements,” or “approval with reporting requirements.” ѿapp has been awarded the higher classification of “approval without reporting requirements.”
“It’s a great accomplishment,” said Lance Bowen, PhD, Dean of Sciences. “This accreditation status is truly a testament to the dedication and commitment of the faculty and staff to the Dental Hygiene program. I am so proud of all of them.”
The Commission approved the current reaccreditation of ѿapp Dental Hygiene Program on Aug. 4, 2016. The program has met all requirements and also hosted a successful site visit in February 2015.
CODA is recognized by the as the accrediting body for college dental education programs. The Commission was established in 1975 and is headquartered in Chicago.
The next Dental Hygiene Information Night will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 6–8 p.m. in Red Mountain Building, room 256. For more information about the ѿapp Dental Hygiene Program, please call 775-673-8247.
Contributions to ѿapp Good News are Welcome
Additional contributions for good news are welcome. If you have an achievement, volunteer experience or award to share with the ѿapp community, please let us know.