Criminal Justice majors celebrate at Commencement by decorating their graduation caps.
An additional transfer opportunity is available for students majoring in criminal justice at Truckee Meadows Community College.
Criminal justice students, including law enforcement majors, may transfer seamlessly into the new Bachelor of Applied Science, Emergency Management and Homeland Security–Public Safety degree program which starts at ѿapp in Fall 2016. Note: students interested in the BAS-EMHS degree must have obtained an associate level degree, in any subject, prior to admission.
Also, students who plan to complete an Associate of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice at ѿapp and transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice may still take all of their associate degree requirements at ѿapp.
The police force consolidation between the two colleges has no effect on criminal justice classes offered.
“The consolidation of the two college police forces does not impact ѿapp’s Criminal Justice degree programs in any way,” said Randy Flocchini, Professor of Criminal Justice. “With absolute 100 percent certainty, interested students should still enroll in the criminal justice classes and degrees at ѿapp.”
Flocchini, who served as Chief of Police at ѿapp for more than 18 years, is excited to return to the classroom during this academic year, mentoring the next generation of students. In Spring 2017, he will be teaching criminal justice courses full time at ѿapp.
“Law enforcement education and training takes a more holistic approach than in the past,” he said. “Our professionals place a greater emphasis on people. Dignity, inclusion, personal rights and respect for others are critical. Also, with advancing technology, the practice and application of criminal justice and law enforcement is more complex. You need a more educated workforce and ѿapp is positioned to deliver this training.”
ѿapp offers the following two-year programs:
- Associate of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice
- Associate of Applied Science Degree in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Emphasis
Courses are delivered in person and online
Criminal justice courses are offered both in person on ѿapp’s Dandini Campus, and as Web-based classes.
“Many criminal justice professionals work three 12-hour shifts weekly, and most families are two-income wage-earners,” Flocchini said. “Traditional face-to-face classroom scheduling doesn’t always work. We provide academic coursework and practical training in more dynamic and agile ways to address our students’ needs. For example, we offer many courses in an online format.”
Professor Arnold Brock, J.D., is Flocchini’s colleague and teaches courses in criminal justice related to the practice of law. Students interested in bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice and pre-law may also transfer to a four-year program at UNR, Nevada State College, or the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) if the student follows the university transfer agreements.
Students are advised to meet with an academic advisor in Red Mountain Building, room 111. Appointments can be made by calling 775-673-7062. Evening and Saturday appointments are now available.
Current events and the future of law enforcement
“Today’s criminal justice professional must be particularly well-informed; knowledgeable about local, regional and national events and schooled in the nuances of his or her craft—not always an easy task,” Flocchini said. “As educators, we have an opportunity and responsibility to proactively address this challenge.”
He added that it is better for police officers to be highly trained, especially now. Since the most recent recession many states have raised retirement ages, and at the same time, law enforcement officers may have more injuries incurred during the course of their careers.
“You need to be educated in order to be able to also work as a detective, or even prepare for teaching others in the field or for outside employment,” he said.
More education prepares criminal justice majors for the many pathways their careers may take.
Contact the Criminal Justice Program at ѿapp for more information.