Volunteer writers and photographers are now being accepted to contribute news stories, editorials, photographs and photo essays for upcoming editions of The Echo, the student newspaper at Truckee Meadows Community College.
“The newspaper provides an important service by keeping our college community informed as well as providing an excellent opportunity for students to gain real resume-building experience in writing, photography, web design and publishing,” said Larissa Faulkner, PhD, The Echo’s faculty adviser. “We are flexible with people’s schedules and can allow very short or long term volunteer work.”
The student senior editor is Angela Lujan. The Echo is also hiring for a paid junior editor position at this time, Dr. Faulkner said.
Volunteers can be students of any major, and the newspaper may feature an occasional special guest contribution by a staff member.
Information about applying to be student junior editor, writing or volunteering for The Echo can be obtained by calling Larissa Faulkner at 775-443-1594.
Opportunities at The Echo
In addition to reporting, students and volunteers conduct interviews, create illustrations, evaluate content and prepare special features. They have an opportunity to see their work distributed both in print and online, Dr. Faulkner said.
The student editor decides the inclusion and placement of submitted content for each issue. Student newspapers at most colleges follow traditions from journalism’s roots dating back 300 years, evolving through time and with changes in technology.
The tradition of journalists keeping an account of political institutions goes all the way back to England in the 1700’s. “The Fourth Estate” is a conceptual term for the press keeping watch, reporting to the public, and therefore, encouraging politicians to “stay honest.”
The Echo covers politics, but has posted most of its stories about campus events, students and staff, and important and interesting happenings in Northern Nevada.
History of the Student Newspaper at ѿapp
ѿapp students have published a since 1976—with a couple of brief interruptions in production—and in Fall 2013 launched a digital edition. Two printed issues have been released this academic year so far, but more writers are needed.
The student newspaper at ѿapp was titled “Voices” for a few years in the 1990s.
Before a restructuring of the newspaper in 2014-2015, 95-97 percent of content came from students enrolled in journalism classes at ѿapp. Now, the paper is run separately from classes, with two student staff editors, and a team of volunteers who are advised and mentored by Communication Instructor Dr. Faulkner. Because of the new organizational structure, contributions are needed from the College community.
For more information about English classes at ѿapp, please call 775-673-7275.